Locus Map Store: Where are the France IGN topo maps?

Started by gps2003, March 28, 2017, 15:56:02

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I can not find the IGN maps anymore  in the Locus Store.

Are they still available? Where can I find it?




Dear Andreas,
item for IGN France should be still available in Menu > Store > By Region > Europe > France - Scroll down and there is item called "France IGN Geoportail Maps".
Can you see this item? If not, what's your version of Locus app?

Thank you


Locus Store ->  By Provider -> IGN France -> Maps - IGN France -> France -> No data
btw. very strange dir structure :)

Locus Store ->  By Usage -> Maps -> Europe -> IGN France -> France -> No France IGN Geoportail Maps

Locus Store ->  By Country -> Europe -> IGN France -> France -> No France IGN Geoportail Maps


I'm using the actual version (3.22.2) on my Samsung S7 (Android 7) and Samsung Tab A (Android 6) . On both devices the IGN maps are not available

May be IGN  changes some things?

I found the following actual entry in the iphigenie-Blog (Iphigenie is a mobile IGN mapping app):

"Pour des raisons qu'il ne nous est pas possible de détailler à ce jour, l'option de cache provisionnel est indisponible à la vente jusqu'à la fin du mois de mars."

=> This means that the caching of IGN map data is not possible until end of march. Reasons are unknown.

Could this (Changes of IGN on their map interface) be an explication for the disappearing of the IGN maps in locus?



Dear Andreas,
thank you for info. There are no changes on IGN site. Would you please try it again? It should be fixed.

@gynta - the structure is correct.




If you go to .../Maps - IGN France/ what do you expect? Cambodia?   ;)


@gynta IGN France provides also maps for Reunion, French Guiana, etc...
