Recording track on sd card (GPX file)

Started by petermargreiter, December 11, 2010, 00:18:49

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Is there a possibility to add logging of the track points as a GPX file (location, elevation and time)?
E.g. Garmin GPS record one file per day with all the points recorded on athat day.

If GPX is not possible any other file format would also work.

Thank you and I oviously love the program!!!


Hi Peter,
  recording is currently not possible. I expected question on this theme :) I'm still not sure if this feature will be implemented, probably yes, but cannot promise now. For me priority is
  1. work with online maps
  2. work with offline maps
  3. POI handling ...
  4. other things (from wishlist ;) )

so, after I'll be satisfied with first three points, I should start work on something like track record. Hope you enjoy program without that feature!
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route tracking in combination with downloading and editing my maps from google would make me pay for this app... ;)

But keep on the good work!

Greetz from sunny Bavaria,
Search before posting!!!
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OnePlus X


Ahoj, jak to prosim vypada s funkci zaznam trasy? Doufam ze se dockam...  :D
Jinak paradni aplikace, teprve dnes jsem ji nainstaloval. A take veliky dik za moznost externi bluetooth GPS


  whole topic in english so ...

  I'm currently testing using of MyTracks to record tracks. It seems for me best solution. Release time depend a little on release time of new MyTracks version which will bring support for this external usage. If will be problems with using MyTracks, I'll do own implementation, so track recording will be surely!
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finally I created track recording by myself. It seems that My Track release will take a long time so ...

please test new testing version for this feature here viewtopic.php?f=21&t=129

if all works fine, new 0.9.4 version will be on market!
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Can You also add pause button to recording the track, please? Its REALLY useful and always forgotten feature by developers.


  pause button isn't problem, but i still don't know how to work with track time. Same problem when I add function to continue with recording on already recorded track. I have to find any solution but pause button will be added, I promise :)
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Byla by možnost pozastavit  záznam tracku a pak v něm zase pokračovat?    
Příklad -  jdu a zaznamenávám trasu  ,    pak dojdu a sedím např. v restauraci /není GPS / a pak zase pokračuju.
Takto před tou restaurací ukončím záznam a pak ho zase spustím  -  mám ale 2 tracky  ,   případně když to nestopnu  tak jen jeden track
s velkými skoky  tam kde byl velmi špatný GPS signál.
Zapauzování   by umožňovalo  pořád jeden track .


Ahoj Zede, spojil jsem tvůj topic s tímto, jelikož jedná o tom samém. Pauza bude, zkusím na ní zapracovat co nejdříve ...
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