[APP] - version 3.22.+ ( 16. 3. 2017 )

Started by Menion, March 07, 2017, 10:58:52

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7. 3. 2017 - Locus 3.22.0 - new version
- Blog post about major version: blog post
- Detailed list of news: list of news

9. 3. 2017 - Locus 3.22.1 - bug-fix version

16. 3. 2017 - Locus 3.22.2 - bug-fix version

24. 3. 2017 - Locus - Beta version
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Quote from last version thread:
Quote@slarti76: thanks for a file. Inside the file already two trackpoints with incorrect time. I was trying to find a place where this may happen, but expect some direct editing of the track shape on the map, I found no link to simple waypoint addin & problem with time. Are you able to simulate this problem directly on (older) recorded track?
Yes, I definitely also edited the track - dunno however, what I did. If I find a way to reproduce, I'll tell you.
Is there a way I can fix such tracks? Would I need to export - fix wrong trackpoints - import?


Another thing:
I get that the activity selection was removed from the recording profiles - it didn't have any use, it seems. But now you can't change the profile icon anymore (or I don't see how). Furthermore, when creating a new profile, you still have to select an activity, which now is a bit confusing, as later on the activity isn't mentioned anymore. It's only use now is to choose the icon - but only from the ones defined for activities.
Wouldn't it be better to just add "Choose Icon" to the profile edit dialog, and then offer all icons (just like when choosing the icon for a track folder)?


Yes, only option how to fix such tracks is export to GPX, fix times and import back.

Selection of activity was removed because it was only confusing settings. Activity is anyway important parameter that affect few things during track record and later post processing. So it is not just about choosing icon, it's about choosing correct activity you will be doing during track recording. If you wants to change "icon" (activity), just create another profile.
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Quote from: menion on March 08, 2017, 08:39:38
Selection of activity was removed because it was only confusing settings. Activity is anyway important parameter that affect few things during track record and later post processing. So it is not just about choosing icon, it's about choosing correct activity you will be doing during track recording. If you wants to change "icon" (activity), just create another profile.
OK, I understand now. One more thing: It always was very tedious to create a new profile that just differs a little from an existing one. Couldn't you add the possibility to create a new profile by copying an existing one? If it was then still possible to choose a different activity, it would be very easy to create profiles that share basic stuff like how the track is displayed etc., but different activity. Right now, it's a hassle to create a set of profiles for different activities.

Andrew Heard

@menion in the 3.21 beta you removed the compass filter setting. It seemed to be working fine but now in 3.22 Pro I find the map is jittering around quite badly, and is very annoying. I've uploaded a sample from a normal onroad bike ride yesterday to https://youtu.be/OjMuI29pzfc. Even at the office desk I can see the map rotation is much too fast. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


You eventually added Profiles/Presets!  ;D
Garmin has this in the Oregons since almost a decade and I was always hoping that this would be offered for Locus as well. Given the overwhelming plethora of settings this is only a logical step. How often did I find myself roaming the settings tree to find a particular knob. Worse, the settings tend to move every now and then, so you need to memorize where they currently are. Since I use locus for geocaching, bike riding, running and hiking each time I changed the activity I needed to tweak the settings. Now consider you are e.g. on a geocaching tour by bike.... :-\
Definitely will give (custom) presets a go.

What I dislike is the notification center. I bought Pro to get rid of ads and now it sneaks back in by the app itself. Other apps also manage to notify you without cluttering the main application. I am fine with the Android notification bar, I dont want to waste precious real estate of my screen with a permament button. Please make this an opt-in instead of an opt-out.


In general, trees are a oversimplistic abstraction of a real life structure. And there are two ways to deal with that:
1) put items that can be relevant into more than one tree structure
2) allow a full text search for settings (like Firefox does inb about:config)

#1 just kicks off another round of what should be where, so the only viable way is #2.
And it will end, at least ease, the notorious discussion about complexity and novice users and alike.


@slarti76: my idea here was that profiles are made usually once and there is no need for some often manipulation, maybe some fine tuning. Anyway I'll consider adding option to "copy profile"

@Andrew Heard: ah damn, nothing is perfect ... I have added one tiny filter into this, so in next version let me know how this behave on your device

@twil69: hope you find presets useful.
About "Notification center" > this center is only visible as long as it has something to display. Get rid of it's content = get rid of this button, simple.


@michaelbechtold : I have this search in my head for some time as well. Quite complex task to be true :).
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Quote from: menion on March 09, 2017, 09:37:47
@michaelbechtold : I have this search in my head for some time as well. Quite complex task to be true :).

Why is that ? From a solution architecture POV I'd expect that there is ONE class object carrying ALL settings (I would not expect a mimicking of the tree structure internally). Leaves the fulltext search itself: given that the amount of data is pretty limited, even brute force pattern matching one by one through the title and explanatiomn texts may be feasible. I'd try that first before engaging in full text technology that can handle GBs and TBs of data ...


All settings in apps has it's unique key and value values. These has nothing to with texts that user see on screen. These texts are generated on the fly in moment, they are needed. And they are needed in moment, any screen from settings is visible. So this whole system needs to write somewhere list of all preferences that may appear on screen, get all possible texts for them and then iterate over these texts and test them. I have partially useful solution thanks to new presets system, but there is still a lot work to do, because almost all settings has to be changed to new system (while currently only around 10% was rewrote).
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Quote from: menion on March 09, 2017, 09:37:47
@twil69: hope you find presets useful.
About "Notification center" > this center is only visible as long as it has something to display. Get rid of it's content = get rid of this button, simple.

Hello Menion,
I agree with @twil69, you are right no content no button, but I need to get rid of content to make it disappear and sometimes I have no time to read the blog's post or other messages from locus notification button. So if I want to have my map free from notification button, I need to clear its content that I'd like to read later but later I have no more the link or I usually forgot about it.
Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


Understand. I'll at least make it a lot smaller to next version.
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Quote from: menion on March 09, 2017, 10:17:35
All settings in apps has it's unique key and value values. These has nothing to with texts that user see on screen. These texts are generated on the fly in moment, they are needed.

Hmmm, but at some point you need to associate the key-value-pair with the user visible text.
If this association was bi-directional you could use the user text for looking up the unique key, right?

I like the idea of having  a settings search field as we know it from many applications these days (my reference is Eclipse here).

Andrew Heard

Quote from: twil69 on March 09, 2017, 08:46:56
What I dislike is the notification center. I bought Pro to get rid of ads and now it sneaks back in by the app itself. Other apps also manage to notify you without cluttering the main application. I am fine with the Android notification bar, I dont want to waste precious real estate of my screen with a permament button. Please make this an opt-in instead of an opt-out.
@twil69 - the notification button is not permanent - I'd complain too if that were the case. Easy to dismiss any new items and button will hide. Don't stress too much. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a