A possible map rotation track up clitch

Started by suchuaato, May 03, 2011, 05:27:56

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Hi Menion
Locus working well
A possible glitch in map rotation ( or maybe a possible glitch in my understanding, could also be why someone else had problems)

Using Locus Pro v1.6.1
  Lock portrait mode on
  map rotation offset portrait = 0

If Condition 1 = (
  Map rotation = ON
  Use hardware compass = OFF
  Auto Change = ON
  Speed Change = 1m/s )
   when stopped - last track up is oriented to display top
   when moving - track up is oriented to display top

If Condition 2 = (
  Map rotation = ON
  Use hardware compass = ON
  Auto Change = ON
  Speed Change = 1m/s )
   when stopped - map north is oriented to display top
   when moving - map north is oriented to display top

I like the behaviour of condition 1 so please don't change it, as now that I have found how to get track up to the top of the display it is the one I mainly use.  

But I sort of expected that for condition 2 that;
  when stopped - map north would always be aligned to compass north ie the map would rotate as you rotate the device
  when moving (> than set speed) - track up would be display up
My way of thinking confused me when I was trying to set it to track up, and may have caused the other poster problems also

Wishlist option;
  waypoint edit - a way to copy /move waypoints to another catagory.

  you may find google maps etc more willing to share if the map caching/save is turned off for google etc.  This would be no good to me as I am often outside data range (and can't afford date costs) but it would allow online use in metropolitan areas to at least view and use google maps etc.

Kind regards