option to dim/darken the map layer?

Started by Sonny, January 25, 2017, 15:34:31

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on some maps it is very difficult so recognize point icons. They are very good "camouflaged" within the layout consisting of streets, paths, landmarks etc of the map. So is there an option within Locus quickly to dim/darken the map by a fixed value (e.g. 50%) or by the use of a slider but not darken the point icons?
So the point icons would be better contrast the the map's layer.


Good day sonny,
no such feature exists in Locus Map. Solution for this may be using map as overlay, where you may specify some special blend modes, that should help here a little (and also map transparency).
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Andrew Heard

@sonny - maybe create a help topic - http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/add? I'd vote for your idea. I often find it difficult to spot icons on the map with all the "clutter". GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hmm I hope new idea won't be necessary.

May you give me here an screenshot, how this "problem" look likes?
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black background, opacity of map: 30%

You can see that the waypoints in the map are not very easy to recognize, the contrast will be even worse if you're out under sunlight. Now if we could quickly dim the map (by using a slider or a button to apply a predefined opacity value), you can see how easy the waypoints now could be seen.

I simulated the dimmed screenshot by choosing "Blank maps > Dark variant" as basemap, the original street map as Overlay and set it's opacity to 30%. Much to complicated for the average user, to many clicks for just to dim the current map.
But if you would really implement such a feature that's would be the method to implent the dimming   :D

Andrew Heard GOLD user ID:c7d47597a