[APP] - version 3.21.x (21. 12. 2016+)

Started by Menion, December 21, 2016, 15:04:04

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Quoteupdate please version V5 of these files based on added parameters in english version
sorry for asking, i am new on this task..
as i see last modification of en.tts V5 is from 19.2. :P
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Ah damn .. I've updated them immediately in moment I wrote my post, but I've noticed now!! then there were some issue in synchronization of Google Drive. So now it should be updated, sorry.
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Hi the spoken message of training manager about pace is not perfect in Italian.
It says something like
Pace 24 and 12 minutes min
The last min is redundant or wrong if the correct idea is to say minutes/km in this case it must be replaced by km.

Inviato dal mio SM-G800F utilizzando Tapatalk

Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


Hello, lor74cas.

For training voice (and navigation voice), phrases have to be defined by tts file for each language. To prepare tts file for italian, download en.tts from google drive, put it in Locus/data/tts folder, and just rename en.tts to it.tts. The link to google drive is written here http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=3227.0.

Then, in Locus, set both 'Language' and 'Text-to-speech settings' to italian, and start training. You should hear 'Ritmo bla bla per kilometer'. Actually I've confirmed that.

Now, you can edit the english phrases into italian and when you complete them, upload your it.tts file to google drive. It will be embedded in next version of Locus and Locus/data/tts/it.tts file is no longer needed.


Quote from: ta-ka on February 26, 2017, 16:35:21
Hello, lor74cas.

For training voice (and navigation voice), phrases have to be defined by tts file for each language. To prepare tts file for italian, download en.tts from google drive, put it in Locus/data/tts folder, and just rename en.tts to it.tts. The link to google drive is written here http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=3227.0.

Then, in Locus, set both 'Language' and 'Text-to-speech settings' to italian, and start training. You should hear 'Ritmo bla bla per kilometer'. Actually I've confirmed that.

Now, you can edit the english phrases into italian and when you complete them, upload your it.tts file to google drive. It will be embedded in next version of Locus and Locus/data/tts/it.tts file is no longer needed.
Thank you I'll try it when and if I'll have some time. There is no app to have more free time, what about it Menion ? It'd be the app of the century

Inviato dal mio SM-G800F utilizzando Tapatalk

Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


Hi there!
Went snowshoeing this weekend, just one minor hassle:
While track recording, when I open the Track Information, Locus several times shows a warning ("Track 2017-02-25 ... not saved"). Of course the track is not saved yet, I'm still recording...
Oh, and I had the strange problem that after adding a waypoint later (after recording finished), the Track Time got longer. But copying or just moving the track to another folder solved this immediately...


Thanks for feedback @slarti76 , unfortunately none of issues I was able to simulate, anyway I'll be watching it ...
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Quote from: menion on February 27, 2017, 12:48:35
Thanks for feedback @slarti76 , unfortunately none of issues I was able to simulate, anyway I'll be watching it ...
I can't reproduce it everytime, either - after it happened, it takes a while before it happens again.
Anyway, I wasn't precise: The message is "Track XXX saved. Warning: Track not stored in database". (Sorry, no screenshot, it's a bit difficult to take before the message disappears...)
And if it helps: I have "Automatic export: GPX" active in all my recording profiles.


Hi again,
Surprisingly I could reproduce the second problem :)
Have a look at the attached GPX: I added waypoints after the track was recorded, now the track time is 148h or something, instead of 5h50. And this time, it stays like that, whether I copy or move or export/import the track. I assume the creation time of the waypoints gets into the calculation...


Training Manager

No voicing the variable "Сurrent time" under any circumstances


Hello guys,

hope you all looking forward to next two weekend days, should be sunny in middle Europe so good time to test last Beta version a few hours ago published ;). I wanted to release new version yesterday, but after some more smaller problems to fix, I've decided to wait till Monday/Tuesday , so few more days to test in the field.

@slarti76: thanks for a file. Inside the file already two trackpoints with incorrect time. I was trying to find a place where this may happen, but expect some direct editing of the track shape on the map, I found no link to simple waypoint addin & problem with time. Are you able to simulate this problem directly on (older) recorded track?

@Magellan: there were more issues, so if possible try please new Beta version, thanks

Guys, have a nice weekend!
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Hello menion
-release note > support for adding multible images.... link didnt work, orange toast "Application for selected feature is missing in your device" ??? other links work well for me.
- support for adding multible images....., for me it works with "Google Fotos"  :) it didn´t work with "QuickPic", "Motorola Gallery", "TC" and "ES"

- all event variables (events) inside different "trainings" set with last Beta are deleted after update of current Beta :-\

- it would be nice if we can also add new "last interval events" to track recording overview ;)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


After adding a new preset or edit preset is added to the screen:

We have to reinvent screen presets



@balloni55: can't understand how you found such hidden issue :). Thank you, fixed! I've really over-complicated system how I create these "release notes", so it's so simple to make a mistake ...
Fact that it does not work with some file/image viewers is unfortunately nothing I may do with it not, it depends if developers of these viewers adds support for this feature (multi-select)

- lost all event variables: Hmm I just tried to restored backup of Pro version from January and then started latest Beta version and it seems to works fine. Anyway because there were some changes in structure of config file, I may be caused by opening tracining manager in Beta, then later in last valid Pro and then again in Beta. If this is a problem, sorry, just restore data/config/trainingManager.lb file later manually from backup

- last interval events: hmm little problem because nothing like "interval" exists during track recording. It exists only in the world of "audio coach".

@Magellan: thanks, I saw similar problem few days ago here on forum as well. Some weird issue with rendering of screen, probably not caused by Locus itself, but Android itself. Close and open of this screen helps, right? Not sure what I may do with it now ...

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And ... new version is out. Thank guys ;)!
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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