Geocaching4Locus - version 2.0.3

Started by Martin Sloup, May 02, 2011, 15:58:22

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Martin Sloup

Could you send me a log from logcat (use Catlog app from GooglePlay: ... son.logcat)? I will look on it. Thanks.
Autor of Geocaching4Locus add-on


edit by Menion: log moved to attachment

Martin Sloup

Uff, next time send it me by e-mail.

I don't see any problem by log but after some testing I probably found where is problem. So I hope it will be fixed in a release version.
Autor of Geocaching4Locus add-on

Martin Sloup

After a few days of testing I release the version 1.4 on Google Play. With version 1.4 I created a mini website with a manual. Some pages in the manual is still WIP (Work in progress). I hope I finish it as soon as it will be possible.
Autor of Geocaching4Locus add-on


Hello, I have just started using Locus Pro and Geocaching4Locus. Thank you for the latest release that you just published.

I have been looking at the new features with Personal Cache Notes. I think I have found a couple of issues

1) In portrait mode, there is no scrolling in the text box, so I'm unable to get to the bottom of the text box to make any changes. Itlooks like the length of the text determines if scrolling is enabled. In portrait mode the text fills the window and it isn't till the keyboard is visible that the text can not be reached. The issue might be true in landscape if there is only a little bit of text.

2) When I try to save the changes Locus aborts with a Forced Closure.

Thank you,



  thanks for report and also Arcao for very nice update. Best for reporting issues is globally "description + log with error" and on right place. This is good place for issues related to add-on. I don't know exactly in which place is problem with scrolling of text. Anyway if this place is in Locus, then best is to report this issue on get satisfaction, otherwise here as you did. Second problem is for sure problem of locus so such problems report me on GetSatisfaction, thanks. GetSatisfaction have advantage that other people can simply find same problems by keywords and also you should be simply notified about progress. But you already know this :)

EDIT: ah, I see that you also posted same problem on GetSatisfaction :) ok, we'll take care of it ...
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We are just back from geocaching in France and were very happy with Locus.
We did everything off-line.
So beforehand we had imported the PQ into Locus and all the necessary information was at hand when needed.
With Spoiler Sync we had downloaded the pictures and they were available in Locus too.
HOWEVER: many of the pictures had names with "funny" characters and Locus could not display them (they where nevertheless available in the right directory). Only the file name was given in Locus and there instead of the "funny" character a black question-mark symbol was shown. The image was just represented by a blue question-mark.
I guess this has to do with character-sets not matching.
Could anyone please look into this issue.
With many thanks for this great application,



Just a quick post to say thanks very much for the addition of Live Map. I tested the functionality quite thoroughly over the weekend & it proved to be very useful.

I originally used c:geo for the main Geocaching app and Locus to cache the maps, but rarely your add-on (as c:geo could pass the cache data to Locus), but after the removal of the Beta Maps on & subsequent removal of Live Mapping, I came to rely on Locus & your add-on.

Now that c:geo's Live Map has been re-implemented, but close to useless for actually finding a cache due to inaccuracies, your re-invention of the Live map functionality has proved to be a great asset! Thanks very much for your time & effort in creating this now-invaluable add-on. It combines all the great features of Locus with the Live Map functionality of the old c:geo.


Hi Arcao,
I have an idea how to update multiple caches at once:
If you are trying to import "new" caches and locus found duplicate cache, the warning dialog shows up. There are options for ignore, overwrite and skip. Will be a problem to add new "update" option there? If these caches have been already downloaded and we have all necessary data I think it can not be a problem to update them.
What do you think about it?

Sent from somewhere using Tapatalk


Some views on and wishes for use of Geocaching4Locus/live map with "corrected coordinates" of

I (and many other cachers that I know) solve a great number of mystery/unknown caches, and usually take a lot of time before having an opportunity to find the actual cache. I have these "solution coordinates" entered into the "corrected coordinates" system of In all I have probably a couple of hundred unfound caches with "corrected coordinates" entered. Locus with G4L has some handling of this, but I think it could be better, or perhaps I need help in how to use it in a better way.

As it is now, I almost always use the "live map" feature of Locus + G4L, see a lot of traditional caches, unknowns, multis etc. The ones I've "solved" are in the wrong/public location, but if I select the cache and view the details, the cache icon is moved to the "corrected" location on the map. However, it seems as if as soon as the live map does an update, the cache icon is moved back to the wrong/public location. :(

Furthermore, the icon displayed for a "corrected" cache is the same as for a normal cache of the same type, making it impossible to see which cache icons indicate real locations, and which are "fake", without going into details view.

These are my wishes and hopes:
1. Let live map do a scan of displayed caches for "corrected coordinaes" and automatically and immediately move the cache icon to the "corrected coordinates" (automatically on cache load, or, if this would be too resource intensive, triggered by the user). (feature request?)
2. Use differentiated icons or a flag/marker on existing cache type icons to indicate a cache which has "corrected coordinates". (like c:geo handles the same case) (fix?)
3. Do not let a "live map" update revert a "corrected" cache icon back to the "public" location. (fix?)
4. Allow filtering out non-corrected unknowns/multis/etc - or rather, add an extra option to "force" (unfound) caches with corrected coordinates to be displayed regardless of cache type hide settings. (example use: "hide unknown caches, but override this for caches with corrected coordinates") (One possible issue here would be the "challenge" unknown caches, that are actually at the public coordinates, but these have as requirement to have "challenge" in the cache title, so that could be sorted out automatically too.) (feature request?)

Perhaps some of these things would work better with imported PQs instead of live mapping(?), but for me this is not a good option since I visit a lot of different areas and do not want to set up PQs all the time.


Some added info:
Regarding #3 above, the setting of "download rest info on show" does not matter for this issue.

Also another feature request:
5. After viewing details for a cache with corrected coordinates and thereby causing the cache icon to move, recenter the map view on the new icon location. (In the current behaviour, the focus does not change, and it can be very hard to find where the "?"-icon moved.)

If there are some of these ideas that would be better directed at main Locus development, please tell me so. Also if arcao would rather like issues to be added to github, I'd be happy to do so.


I have a category in Locus with a lot of geocaches imported with the addon Geocaching4Locus.
Now I want to sort them by update time to find the oldest, but it doesn't sort by update time. It looks like sorting by name?!
Perhaps the import of the points/geocaches doesn't set the update time?!...
Can somebody please check this...


Firstly Arcao, may I say this is a brilliant Add-on to Locus. But since the last update every time I use it, after powering down my Tablet. I have to re-enter my Username and password.
 The previous version retained these.

Edit: Found the cause, the previous version was moved with Apps2SD. After moving it back the problem went.  :oops:


After the update to the plugin does not work anymore.  Also my Username and Password seem to get lost and no geocaches are downloaded anymore.

Martin Sloup

Hi dibrial, sorry for that. Try a new version that should be on Google Play in a few moments.
Autor of Geocaching4Locus add-on