How to display Folder points on map

Started by Gonen Shoham, December 12, 2016, 13:15:33

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Gonen Shoham


I am new to Locus Maps

Please advice:

I have few KML files. Each file contains the points I plan to visit in my trip.  One file per day (file name are Day01.kml, Day02.kml etc)

I load the points to Locus maps as follows:

I go to Points, click on Add folder, type its name (e.g. Day01) and import Day01.kml into the folder.
All points are shown perfect.

I do the same for each day ion a trip.

My Questions:
1 - How can I "empty" a folder (without clicking on each point...) - I see Edit/Import/\Export/Delete but cannot see Empty option
2 - I see the hide/un-hide icon that I can play with. But how do I display ALL the un-hidden folder points on a map ?
3 - Is it possible to display a route between the folder points on a map ?

Thank you !!



Hi Gonen
first of all, wellcome on forum 8)

1. empty, if you mean delete > open the poi folder/screwdriver/hook in top panel/trashcan

2. open poi tab,  click on icon in front of folder name to select/deselect all.
if you display pois from different folders  and want to hide them at once, so click top right in poi-tab 3-dot button "deselect all", this works identically for tracks ;)

if you want to hide displayed poi´s / tracks only temporary to get a better map overview do a "long click" on data button >hide all, now two soft buttons appeare top right in map view after click on it pois and tracks are displayed again

3. sorry i have no experience

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