Kml export

Started by Voodoobrew, August 04, 2016, 19:55:18

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WhenI export multiple tracks/polygons from locus to kml (2000 or so)I recieve 2000 exported individual kml files. Is there a way to have these exported into one kml/kmz file or merged into one file.


Good afternoon,
such feature is currently not possible with Locus. Anyway I'm sure, someone here will know some PC tool that will be able to lately merge these files into one.
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Quotesuch feature is currently not possible with Locus.
why not ?! :P are you sure
if it work for 2000 tracks/POI´s i didn´t know
but test it first with a few

Menue/More functions/Share&export data/Export map content ;)

all visible POI´s and Tracks are exported to a kmz
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Another kind of usage of this "Export all" feature. Nice :).
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Zooming out and export screen content worked great.
Havent truly tested the output file. But it had a bunch of tracks in 1 file so its probably good.