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GML maps

Started by hajo, July 30, 2016, 20:49:30

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I'm quit new to Locus maps and maps in general.

I would like to use a very detailed map from my seroundings in my Locus pro app. But the only maps I can find are in GML ore e geotiff ore a jpg. The OMS maps from Locus are very well for all things but less detailed in offroad.

I'v been on the web all day to convert the geotiff. (mapc2mapc) but the result was not working on Locus. Neither all the sqlite db I converted it to.

Is it possible to 1; convert a gml map to a useable locus map?
Or 2 to figure out why the geotiff conversions dont work? Locus just says it is not readable or not correct.
Or 3 to have a large high quallity image as an overlay to my osm map?
Or 4 another solution?

The Gml files:
J pegs:

With regards



Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


Thanks for your reply.

I've tryed that. The image I need is to big for locus.


Quote from: hajo on July 31, 2016, 08:50:18
Thanks for your reply.

I've tryed that. The image I need is to big for locus.
Cut it in pieces then and adjust separately. 

Gesendet von meinem LG-H850 mit Tapatalk



IsnĀ“t it possible to use them online?
Regards J.



QuoteOr 2 to figure out why the geotiff conversions dont work?
i have succes with mapc2mapc, geotiff to sqliteLite. :)
download attached example sqlite and copy it to locus/maps

requirement for mapc2mapc is installed GDAL on your PC, so download and install e.g. "gdal-201-1600-x64-core.msi"

run mapc2mapc, open Edit/Locate/GDAL_translate, navigate to your GDAL folder and select gdal_translate.exe and confirm.
> File/ load calibrated map/select a geotiff file
> File/write map for mobil devices/ set zoomlevels and confirm each
enjoy a cup of coffee 8)
Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4