performance limited by your Android system battery optimization

Started by spezl, June 28, 2016, 23:13:29

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Quote...performance is currently limited by your Android system battery optimization...

after todays update Locus shows this message. Previous version doesn't. Now I'm a bit unsure what mode I should change, because I honestly didn't change anything at my system. I have a Samsung S5+, MM installed. The same message came up at my wifes Sony Xperia Z3c, also on MM. Any ideas?
Thanks alot in advance!


QuoteNow I'm a bit unsure what mode I should change
locus change the mode if you accept it
but you are able to change it back if you get any problem with this changed setting
on my device Motorola G3 MM ,Settings/Accu/3-dot button/Leistungsoptimierung

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


ahhhh.... got it! It's to avoid killing locus function by doze mode!
Great, thanks a lot!


Quotelocus change the mode if you accept it
Not on my S5 neo / Marshmallow... i.e. clicking on Deactivate just drops me off in the phone's settings main menu, no idea where to (manually) deactivate which option, though...?


So to phrase the question differently: What am I supposed to turn off for Locus to not display the warning?

I have already set the following with no effect on Locus:



Unfortunately this power saving  mode per app isn't sufficient.
You need to switch off the power saving mode save mode in general:
German: Einstellungen->Akku->Energiesparmodus = aus
English: Settings->Battery->Power saving mode = off


Oh... Did Locus change its behavior recently or did it just add the warning? (not sure I really want to change the global power saving mode just for Locus)


Good day arminus,
there were no change in Locus itself. If app works fine for you, just ignore it.
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I have a similar problem.
This is with a Galaxy Note 4, running Android 6.0.1
Each time I start Locus Pro it give me this message. Pressing Disable just takes me to the general settings app.
I have both flagged Locus Pro as disabled for App Power Saving, and disabled App Power Saving completely.
But the message still appears each time, and GPS is disabled whenever Locus is put in the background.
What else can I do to ensure that GPS continues to function when Locus is in the background?
Does this also mean that GPS will be disabled if the screen is turned off? If so, it greatly reduces the usefulness of tracking.
This wasn't an issue with an older Galaxy Note 2.


Good day Paul,
welcome to the world of Android 6 - battery optimizations techniques.

Please read our manual here: . Hope it helps, otherwise write me and we will try to improve manual little bit.
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Quote from: Arthuro on August 20, 2016, 20:05:39
But I found this:
In the list of "Not Optimized" Apps  I found  my Maildroid, Foldersync, Playstore and Threema. But not Locus! So I added Locus to give it a try.
Hey, that solved my problems on a Samsung Galaxy S7. Since I added Locus in this list, the message at the start of Locus disappeared...
Thank you very much!  :D