[APP] - version 3.18.x (27. 6. 2016+)

Started by Menion, June 27, 2016, 20:21:08

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@poutnikl thanks!

@balloni55: give me please coordinates so I may try it. There should be no problem in Locus anyway, it will be more a "problem" of routing service (BRouter?).

@0709: I'm glad to hear it. I have no idea how this may happen anyway I made one small change on every possible place that may mess coordinates little bit and seems it helped. Perfect, uff :)
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Quotegive me please coordinates so I may try it.
to get the situation from screenshot
start on
N 48°55.350  E 8°51.880
navigate to
N 48° 54.975  E 8°52.470
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@balloni55: Du kannst im profile2-Ordner die Original-shortest.brf gegen die im nachfolgenden Link (Beitrag vom 27.05.16) leicht angepasste Version austauschen. Dann sollte BRouter Anweisungen erzeugen. Ich nutze sie seither mit Erfolg.

@0709, @menion: Habe gestern und heute bei Autofahrten die Locus-Navigation bei gleichzeitiger Trackaufzeichnung getestet. Keine Probleme, alles perfekt!  :)  Locus Beta benutzt.
    The following users thanked this post: balloni55


Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on October 06, 2016, 11:43:47
arrow on map "keep left" thats ok, but top left icon advice me to go right ????

It's the other way round: go left but keep right. It's perfectly reasonable to go left but keep right, if there are two close-by choices on the left side. Unfortunatly, a navigation command can only express one aspect so sometimes you have to decide and in a complex situation there are cases where it's confusing


@ arndt, thanks for your answer i understand what you´ve explained :-[
but in this example it´s only one forest path leading left i have to go
and  not a  multi-lane highway.

I suspect, if i use morse signal with disabeled screen for navigation  i´m lead to the wrong direction :-\
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@Balloni55: The scenario is same for motorways or paths. The path may be turning left when you are to take the right fork. The only reasonable hint is to keep right.


Quote from: balloni55 on October 07, 2016, 10:53:53
.. but in this example it´s only one forest path leading left i have to go and  not a  multi-lane highway.

There's a grade5 track going to the east, maybe it's not really visible:


Only grade1 tracks get a higher "priority classifier",  your grade2 and this grade5 are considered equal-priority, and therefore you get the keep-right hint.


Nice discussion guys, thanks!

With this comes one question from me as well. It happen to me already sometimes then I ride probably similar track in woods like @balloni55 ... thin road for one bike and now I hear "keep right". Isn't in such cases better to say "slightly left" or "left" (based on angle of course) command instead of this, which is more suitable for multi-line highway? I'm asking because in such cases, some hint about expected angle (like now the road will be slightly to left) should be more useful then "keep right", which may also means "ride straight because there is another road to left". Just my two cents.
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Such a hint is not about the turns and angles. It is about the forks, if the one *relatively* more to left or more to right is to be taken.

I do not see "keep right(way) / left(way)" in this scenario confusing..   If I would hear (slight) left because a left turn just before the fork, I would be confused. Should I go left left or right left ?

I remind myself some Indiana Jones scene about carriages on the cave railway. For them was keep right / left quite essential. Sometimes for downhill MTB as well, as the choice cannot often be undone.


Thanks Libor! Understand. Maybe I'm just too used to hear "keep right" on a highway and then it sounds little bit funny in thin forest path :)
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release notes
"Settings" button on track record widget changed to icon of current profile
perhaps i didn´t understand this note
since now i can´t find icon which change, where i have to look? :-[
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hmm you have a track recording widget with Beta version (Locus Map FREE)? :) Sorry, it is only in Pro version, so in this case it is needed to wait on public version.
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on October 06, 2016, 12:22:41
@Andrew Heard: understand, thanks. If you find something that may helps, let me know. Seems that publishing version next week (and not this one) was a good idea. I'll try to get out for some longer testing because of this and as well, because of Willy's (0709) issues. Thanks
I tried identical navigation test today as last week (in which navigation line wrongly appeared transparent) but this time worked perfectly. I have no idea why different. Oh well. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Since the latest beta was labeled "release candidate" already if I remember correctly, I once again want to point out the super weird strangeness of the new map items interface:

I'm really not a Locus beginner, but I have a seriously hard time figuring out how this is working. I navigate to some folder with my kmzs in the new map items dialog. Then I load a file by clicking on the "eye". Then Locus blocks and I wait for half a minute while it loads. Then I click on the three dots sub menu of the same file and select "center element" to actually see it displayed on my map. Not really a funny procedure to start with.

It gets even worse when I want to hide the file again though. Because apparently, I need to remember the exact sub directory and name where I loaded it from and navigate there manually(!) from some root folder. Only then I can turn off the "eye icon" to hide. Thats really pure horror if you deal with more than just one overlay and have them sorted in nested directories.

Apparently there is also a separate new "sidebar" menu for map items that shows all the loaded overlays. But strangely, the sidebar thingy cannot unload anything. I can "dive into" a kml/kmz and hide specific elements, but not simply unload the whole thing.

This whole process seems completely unlogical to me. I just cant understand how it's supposed to work. Maybe I am missing something very obvious here?