[APP] - version 3.18.x (27. 6. 2016+)

Started by Menion, June 27, 2016, 20:21:08

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BRouter - BRouter profiles - Locus routing profiles
footnote does not change correctly.
Sometimes Locus show me "...orbert Renner, profiles by Poutnik" but i have disabled Locus profiles.
Sometimes Locus don't show me "...orbert Renner, profiles by Poutnik" but i have selected a Poutnik profile.


I use a custom rom based on CM 13.
After every Locus update I have to edit my /data/system/packages.xml to have the possibilty to read/write on external SD card.  >:( Otherwise Locus stops after start.
Regards J.


Map Item screen
if i change orientation of device locus stop :-[
after i confirm "ok" locus start again

why are items handeled as temporary items? > long click on data icon "remove temporary map items" they are removed
for me they are not temporary, if they are visible they are also visible after restart of locus ???
Locus Map 4.28.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: menion on September 01, 2016, 09:37:50
Thanks Libor, really appreciate your help with this task.

Preference for "hiking route" sounds logical for me. Other two parameters, not sure about it. Hard to say how much longer route people are willing to go. Maybe we will see based on some feedback from usage?
The point is, there is wide range of need from no preference at all for city walking, to exclusive walking on marked routes in national parks or similar protected areas. Stronger the preference, longer possible detours.
All topic is similar to already long established route preferencing in standard and my bicycle profiles.
( Edit> with exception there is no hard restriction to bicycle routes only )


Quote from: gynta on September 03, 2016, 20:40:05

Wet surface
"Try to avoid muddy or slippery roads"

Not clear for me.
This Roads are muddy or slippery only if it's raining??

or this roads always are muddy or slippery because that's his normal ground conditions (bog path, road through marshland, moore land,...)? 

The iswet flag means there is possiblility of being muddy or slippery for  ways that can be - according to OSM surface data -  vulnerable to that.
Iswet could be named as well as "Prefer_roads_that_do_not_get_muddy_or_slippery_if_water_is_applied_on_them". But iswet is shorter. For being muddy as normal condition, there is OSM tag surface=mud.

In trekking bike and bike travelling context, most people would take unpaved soil track shortcut, if it is supposed to be dry, but (not too big ) tertiary road detour instead, if there are/can be muddy ponds on it.

It is generally recommended not to consider things useless until they are understood. Until integrated to Locus, people familiar to BRouter used to got quickly, what iswet flag is good for, as it is an old thing already.


@poutnikl I also didn't get the meaning of iswet. Now with your explanation I'd name the flag maybemuddy instead of iswet


and if considered top long a word, what's about PotMud for potentially muddy ;-) ?

Gesendet von meinem LG-H850 mit Tapatalk



Quote from: tommi on September 05, 2016, 08:31:03
@poutnikl I also didn't get the meaning of iswet. Now with your explanation I'd name the flag maybemuddy instead of iswet

I have never imagined that such a simple name as iswet could cause such troubles ( and I have thought that especialy gynta would appreciate the shortness ;-)  ). It may be not necessery to tell adults that if there is wet outside, there may be muddy as well, and that wetness/muddiness disappers progressively and by different rates.  :-)   

It is on the user's common sense to decide, when the iswet condition stops for him/her  Iswet means that for the particular rider the significant part of way surfaces in the area are at wet condition. This evaluation can widely differ.

I am not sure, how many people really read the Github wiki, readme and comments within profiles. As I have very rarely received any feedback to them. What is strange, as I admit there is a lot to be improved , as I am not a great writer.

maybemuddy or PotMud makes  less sense in areas that do not get muddy even if wet. Also not all effects of iswet are related to being muddy. ..    E.g. it penalizes cobblestone or sett roads a lot, especially in downhill, as it is really dangerous surface at higher speed, if wet. Easy falls under car tyres.

Menion can name the GUI flag whatever he wants, if it follows its purpose.


I have created a new github wiki page, dedicated to the iswet flag. Feel free to suggest the description improvement.
Edit> e.g. some EN native speaker can suggest better weather expressions to use in sentences like  "There is wet outside", or "Ways were wet during my ride here."


Viajero Perdido

Hi.  Just looked at this for the first time, and skimmed the wiki.  (My head is spinning.)

In the Locus UI, may I suggest: "Wet conditions".  That means, in a general sense, things are wet right now.  "Is wet" implies knowledge of the route, but you haven't been there specifically yet.

For the explanatory text, maybe "Avoid route that may be difficult in wet weather."  (In North American English, the term "road" doesn't include trails, which are part of this.)

(In spite of my user name, I'm a native English speaker; Spanish is just a hobby to support travel.)

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Viajero Perdido on September 10, 2016, 18:28:42
For the explanatory text, maybe "Avoid route that may be difficult in wet weather."
nicely worded, purpose is clear, or Avoid sections that may be more difficult in wet weather?
4.28.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: Viajero Perdido on September 10, 2016, 18:28:42

[...]In the Locus UI, may I suggest: "Wet conditions".  That means, in a general sense, things are wet right now.  "Is wet" implies knowledge of the route, but you haven't been there specifically yet.

For the explanatory text, maybe "Avoid route that may be difficult in wet weather."  (In North American English, the term "road" doesn't include trails, which are part of this.)[...]

"Wet conditions" seems good. "Iswet" followed the naming of my profile variable.  There  is useful to know there are 3 different contexts in BRouter profiles. Global context, way context and node context. Iswet is defined at global context, with no relation to any particular way or route.. There is another related variable ismuddy, at way context, with meaning the particular way has changed surface quality due wet conditions.

For the explanation, I would avoid the verb "to avoid", as the real meaning is just shifting of preferences. E.g.in an illustrative example of 2 alternatives, a primary road and a soil track: The soil track may be chosen in dry conditions if less than e.g. 1.5 times longer than the other one. At wet conditions, the threshold is moved to other value, e.g. 0.3 times longer.

Perhaps rather ways then route.  Like  "Prefer ways not difficult at wet weather"   Difficult may not be fully correct, if related to technical aspects involving skills. But I agree it is hard to choose single verb describing all aspects.


Quote from: Andrew Heard on September 11, 2016, 01:42:03
Quote from: Viajero Perdido on September 10, 2016, 18:28:42
For the explanatory text, maybe "Avoid route that may be difficult in wet weather."
nicely worded, purpose is clear, or Avoid sections that may be more difficult in wet weather?
But it does not avoid them. Just shifts the point of switching the decision.
Section can be misleading, as it is unclear what it means. Why not just the old good  (OSM) ways ?
The shift of preferences can be justified by either of being difficult(skills) and being unpleasant(perception).

Andrew Heard

Quote from: poutnikl on September 11, 2016, 09:56:32
Section can be misleading, as it is unclear what it means. Why not just the old good  (OSM) ways ?
The shift of preferences can be justified by either of being difficult(skills) and being unpleasant(perception).
I think only people familiar with OSM terminology would understand the meaning of "way" in this context. For the majority of english speaking people it reads quite strange. "Section" was more generic, but in new suggestion below "route" reads better to me. There are plenty of other places in Locus where the text could be improved and/or go round in endless discussions for marginal benefit.

Improving grammar & changing the negative (not) into a positive:
"Prefer easier ways when wet weather"
"Prefer easier route when wet weather"
4.28.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hi guys,
I'd like to inform you that in the latest beta are available Polish Compass.pl (http://www.compass.krakow.pl )outdoor maps. Please visti the Locus store > Europe > Poland to test the map ( if you're interested in)