[APP] - version 3.18.x (27. 6. 2016+)

Started by Menion, June 27, 2016, 20:21:08

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Hello guys,
@balloni55: text problems are in Locus for quite long time, sorry, I cannot help here now. And priority of symbols ... well I also prefer visible hike/bike trail as "it's a main point of Locus, right"?

@Christian: hmm complicated task. Anyway has same problem? I've tried it on many devices and everywhere it worked fine. What device are you using now?

@HtV: thanks for a bug-report, understand. This really should not happen. Problem is, that it works fine on my device. You are using latest 3.18.4 version of Locus and internal Locus themes?

@LeeDee: what a complicated GPX. Inner route points and total mess in times. You are right that Locus has troubles with this file now, sorry for this. Issue will be fixed in next version .. seems it will need one more bugfix version at start of next week.
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Quote from: menion on July 18, 2016, 09:00:22
@Christian: hmm complicated task. Anyway has same problem? I've tried it on many devices and everywhere it worked fine. What device are you using now?
Still using Galaxy Note(1) running exotic stock rom A4.1.1., not rooted, not spoiled.


Quote from: menion on July 18, 2016, 09:00:22

@HtV: thanks for a bug-report, understand. This really should not happen. Problem is, that it works fine on my device. You are using latest 3.18.4 version of Locus and internal Locus themes?

Yes I have version 3.18.4 installed on my Sony Z5 Compact on Android 6.1
I tried a few different settings: automatic hide top and bottom panels on/off but that makes no difference.
I restarted my phone: no difference.

Edit: I am using Locus maps with the internal themes.
It's not a big deal. :) Good luck with it.


@Christian: I'm sorry. I'm fighting with it for more then hour. "Fortunately" on my device with Android 4.0.4 it do exactly same problem. No matter what I do, result is always only black image with blue thin border. Android completely ignores my attempts to render whole screen into simple image. From what I was able to find about similar problems, it looks like generated preview is too big on this Android version. So I'll have to disable this feature for all 4.0, 4.1 Android versions, sorry.

@HtV: ah perfect, I got it! You tap twice on back arrow, so it returns you to root menu of "Map content" panel, not just to list of map themes. Perfect, thank you, issue fixed!

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Andrew Heard

The track charts in 3.18.4 are a big improvement over 3.18.2. Thanks @menion GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Sometimes small change do a lot. Except few tiny improvements with placing texts, only bigger change was twice more "fat" lines. Nothing more. Anyway I was also surprised how clearly chart is visible on sun, compare to before :).
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Quote from: menion on July 18, 2016, 16:31:25
@Christian: I'm sorry. I'm fighting with it for more then hour. "Fortunately" on my device with Android 4.0.4 it do exactly same problem. No matter what I do, result is always only black image with blue thin border. Android completely ignores my attempts to render whole screen into simple image. From what I was able to find about similar problems, it looks like generated preview is too big on this Android version. So I'll have to disable this feature for all 4.0, 4.1 Android versions, sorry.
Great that you found the problem. Sad not to have the feature in 4.1 :(
May be you will find a way to solve it later.

Andrew Heard

The town names are very clear to read on the new lomap road theme in 3.18.4. Nice. Will there eventually be a cycling theme and a greater number of tick boxes for hiding map features? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Black map tiles on changing theme still occur.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Hi Guys,
thank you for comments about themes. I've prepared testing theme - please download and try. However:
-  creamy f4f3e9 colour is back
- Winter/Summer  Is it or it isn't evident for which activities is focused the Winter and Summer theme? At least in European area
- Church icon is the same as used to be. Only the colour is different
- There are no changes in highway thickness for summer theme (only low zoom-levels zoom < 12 are different). Note that the highways were quite wider internal themes probably two years ago. But I've made them narrow based on gynta's suggestion...

- I've tried to little bit improve it (attached testing theme). However I'm still convinced that offset for marked trails is the best approach how to highlight any route in the map. Paper and also some web map use this approach. I can remember the old issues when users complained that they can not see the type of track/path because is covered by highlighted hiking line (even transparent). Offset approach offers both - the background track and also highlighted route. Unfortunately in some situation is offset solution "broken". It's needed to decide what approach is better..

@Andrew Heard
What features you'd like to hide? Please write me also some use cases, why, etc. I'd like to know the reason why is important to have more options.

Thank you!


Hello Petr
QuoteI've tried to little bit improve it
a little bit, yes.... ???

my suggestion:
- keep offset off trials
- display trials always ontop
QuoteIt's needed to decide what approach is better..
please diskuss it with your complete team ;)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: menion on July 18, 2016, 16:31:25
@HtV: ah perfect, I got it! You tap twice on back arrow, so it returns you to root menu of "Map content" panel, not just to list of map themes. Perfect, thank you, issue fixed!

Glad you found and fixed it. :)
Off topic: I'm very fond of Locus, so many options with such a clear/clean screen, great work.
Before I used Osmand but I never really got to understand/like it.
And very important: it uses very little battery. A few weeks ago I walked for about 4 hrs with my wife and the dog, I take a look at the map probably every 10 mins, took a few photographs, had tracking on of course, In that 4 hrs my battery went from 95% to 80%. I have a fairly new Sony Z5 Compact. :)


@balloni55: without thinking too much about it, from my point of view, theme focused on hiking/biking, should have hiking/biking trails as highest priority. Theme for a car, should have roads as main priority.

And if offset yes/no ... I think they looks quite good :)
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About new Locus theme structure Sommer/Winter
I hope this is only an interim solution.
Please reconsider again the logic behind it.
Just waiting for negative feedback soon.

Andrew Heard

Agree with @gynta, can't see point of season-based themes.

I observe I can no longer merge a track with a route - the route points are completely ignored. I guess because no timestamps. But I really hope you consider this a bug because many times if I forget to reenable track record so I "patch" by adding in a route for my records.

And on this subject I see you have again supported a function panel track record button. This is great. Now fully obvious if track recording NOT enabled. But I think it's been working/ not working/ wanted/ not wanted many times now. Please leave it. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a