[APP] - version 3.18.x (27. 6. 2016+)

Started by Menion, June 27, 2016, 20:21:08

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all old geotagged photos from locus/data/media/photo are displayed on map  8)

new geotagged photos are not displayed on map :-[

- i create a new POI, take a photo and save it
- POI with attached photo can be displayed  :)
- photo is stored with correct exif coords in  locus/data/media/photo
- new start of device, new created link to folder nothing help, geotagged photo is not displayed  :(
- i copy this photo to e.g. extSD, now this geotagged photo from extSD is displayed on map

additional question:
if i remember right, in the past locus stored a photo i have added from gallery to POI also in  locus/data/media/photo and wrote also coords to exif
currently if i add a photo from gallery, locus dont copy it,  locus use it from gallery folder without any exif modification (geotag)
So if user change his device and follow the manual "create backup" and "copy complete locus folder" a.s.o he miss these photos :-[
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on June 29, 2016, 21:50:16
Energy value

i´ve played a little with my 10 KM jogging course ;)
if activity is
- not specified i burn 357 KJ
- walking 2011 KJ
- nordic walking 1322 Kj
- running 2162 KJ

why i get a value for not spezified? and i cant belief the difference between nordic walking and walking

now i played with my wight and hight, more wight more KJ but more lenght (longer legs) more KJ ????

and best of all, if i am 10 years jounger i burn more KJ 8) 8) 8) 8)

I confirm that the values are not real.
Especially running and road biking are much to small (factor 2-3). Not sure if elevation gain and pace are computed.

And the small arrow in track details are gone. I liked the shortcut back to the tracklist :(

Still crowling through the amount of new features and not tested in the wild,



@Christian: which normal points are not visible? Do you have enabled at top tools menu to display also the common map points? And update when map is moving thanks to GPS is not implemented for now.

@slarti76: you are welcome

@balloni55: hmm, have to check it next days. And about copy .. to be true I do not remember that Locus made a copy of picked photo. Are you really sure it worked that way?

@Christian: Elevation gain and pace are not used for energy values. In case, you use HR monitor, Locus computes energy values by HR values, otherwise "track activity" + "speed" is used.
And values are not real ... well I had quite nice discussion on this topic here help.locusmap.eu/topic/locus-pro-3-18-1-and-track-new-statistics and in the end it showed that Locus compute values correctly.
If you give me GPX track and your parameters, I'll gladly explain why computed values are as are.

@0709: glad to hear it! Thanks for report and test

And excuse me today, I'm out of office (but will be on Live Tracking whole day ;) ). Enjoy Friday + weekend!
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Is there a new secret but horribly misguided gps auto pausing mode in Locus?

I am recording a track. I have a break for a few minutes (not moving... not touching the smartphone at all). I continue riding.

No more points will be recorded from here on, even though there is a perfect gps fix and everything!

That's very bad... I need to manually pause and unpause the recording whenever I stop a bit longer. Otherwise I will lose the days track.

This behaviour is reoroducable with latest Betas and latest pros. No difference. Please investigate... losing track data is serious business.


Here is proof... break at restaurant... phone was not touched... not even turned on display... continue riding... blam... no more points recorded. And there never will be... unless you manually pause and unpause the track. I can reproduce that every time. Android 5.1.1, wasn't changed in a year. Only Locus changed... and some time in the last weeks it turned from a reliable work horse into a random fun house :)



Someone shared his position via Whatsapp, several apps are offered to process the position information including Locus Free, but Locus Pro is missing



Quote from: menion on July 01, 2016, 07:38:47
@Christian: which normal points are not visible? Do you have enabled at top tools menu to display also the common map points? And update when map is moving thanks to GPS is not implemented for now.
No points at all are displayed. tool menu is set up properly: common map points only.

Quote from: menion on July 01, 2016, 07:38:47
@Christian: Elevation gain and pace are not used for energy values. In case, you use HR monitor, Locus computes energy values by HR values, otherwise "track activity" + "speed" is used.
And values are not real ... well I had quite nice discussion on this topic here help.locusmap.eu/topic/locus-pro-3-18-1-and-track-new-statistics and in the end it showed that Locus compute values correctly.
If you give me GPX track and your parameters, I'll gladly explain why computed values are as are.
Not sure that i compared my values properly. I will check this later more carefully. Sorry for confusion.


QuoteAnd about copy .. to be true I do not remember that Locus made a copy of picked photo. Are you really sure it worked that way?
no, i´m not ??? perhaps it is a daydream from me :P
but it would be a good solution i think ;)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@joeloc: are you using any special settings? GPS Auto-off? Record only when moving? Hard to solve without ability to simulate on own device. This "break" happen only when you stop for a while on one place? What about some battery optimization on your device? Is Locus excluded? Balloni, you have send me a recorded track and log, thanks for it, but I see no problem in log. This won't be some error that will be printed to log.

@tommi: hmm I have no idea :). Both versions of Locus has exactly same parameters for sharing, sorry.
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QuoteBalloni, you have send me a recorded track and log
sorry, i havn´t send you anything ?!
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4




Guys, joeloc ... sorry, my bad! Please keep "Only when moving" disabled till next version. I'm sorry, issue found. It really happen only when you pause for a few more minutes.

EDIT: ah sorry willy, I though it was balloni :). Thanks willy for a report, as I wrote .. in log no issue, because all were correct. Issue was in algorithm.
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Nono this was caused by system that computes average calories, hr values and energy requirements. I needed here to know if user is moving or not, so I've improved previous simple test little bit. Unfortunately this caused a problem: if there were huge gap between last stored point and new point (because of "no movement"), Locus considered all new points as invalid (time between points was too long so computed speed was below minimum speed considered as movement).
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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please open nearest point with two clicks less, similar as it work in point tab

if i click on  "map preview" in point detail, i expect to see next this point on map and not two clicks later
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hello menion,

There is a problem in periodic update system since last Locus update.
Some data have not got to my addon. I have got the log below.
For example the distance stay "0.0" in the track recording in my addon. (Pebble addon)
I try it with "Locus API Android (sample)" and there is the problem in it also.
What do I wrong?

The log:
Quote07-03 15:22:36.181 23591-23591/menion.android.locus.api.sample W/Bundle: Key 1204 expected Double but value was a java.lang.Float.  The default value 0.0 was returned.
07-03 15:22:36.182 23591-23591/menion.android.locus.api.sample W/Bundle: Attempt to cast generated internal exception:
                                                                         java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Float cannot be cast to java.lang.Double
                                                                             at android.os.BaseBundle.getDouble(BaseBundle.java:902)
                                                                             at android.content.Intent.getDoubleExtra(Intent.java:5046)
                                                                             at locus.api.android.features.periodicUpdates.PeriodicUpdatesFiller.intentToUpdate(PeriodicUpdatesFiller.java:97)
                                                                             at locus.api.android.features.periodicUpdates.PeriodicUpdatesHandler.onReceive(PeriodicUpdatesHandler.java:87)
                                                                             at menion.android.locus.api.sample.receivers.PeriodicUpdateReceiver.onReceive(PeriodicUpdateReceiver.java:38)
                                                                             at android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver(ActivityThread.java:2673)
                                                                             at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1700(ActivityThread.java:156)
                                                                             at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1428)
                                                                             at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
                                                                             at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:211)
                                                                             at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5389)
                                                                             at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
                                                                             at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
                                                                             at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1020)
                                                                             at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:815)
07-03 15:22:36.187 23591-23591/menion.android.locus.api.sample I/PeriodicUpdateReceiver: onUpdate(locus.api.android.utils.LocusUtils$LocusVersion {
                                                                                             mPackageName: menion.android.locus.pro
                                                                                             mVersionCode: 500
                                                                                             mVersionName: 3.18.2
                                                                                             $change: null
                                                                                         }, locus.api.android.features.periodicUpdates.UpdateContainer@854e8ec)