Message "Locus Map wurde angehalten

Started by wurzfusel, June 25, 2016, 14:08:00

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I didn' change anything, my Android version is 4.1.2
My Locus Pro version is 3.17.2
Error description: After starting of Locus only a black screen appears with the Message: "Locus Map wurde angehalten"
It worked perfect about 2 weeks (?) ago.
What can I do?



this was not helpful
I will try to describe it.
I started the App Locus Maps. The first that appears is a black screen, and second the stop message. I closed the app and tried it again, the result is always the same. I have no access to any subroutine.
Should I reinstall the programm?

All error messages in the forum due to this topic are related to an Android update, this is not relevant in my case


Quote from: wurzfusel on June 26, 2016, 17:44:22...I will try to describe it...
this was not helpful.
Send a error log file - as described

QuoteShould I reinstall the programm?
Just try it


In my System there is NO option to create a bug report.

and is even worse:
I recently installad Locus Pro at my Android-tablet (Tolino type, Android Version 4.4.4). Locus runs during the last use, now it shows the same error, and I definitely changed anything!!
And in that device there is no option to switch to the developer mode!
I expect, it must be an update of Locus, where my devices are not compatible with.

Pls. help or send me the money back!


Good day wuurzfusel,

sorry for a complications. May you please try, as gynta suggested, re-install Locus on your device? There is currently only known problem with latest 3.18.1 version on some devices, but this should happen only in case of Android 5.0 & enabled overlay mode.

If re-installation won't help, there is really need for log file, otherwise I see no other method, how to help.
You wrote that in your system is no "take a bug report" button. Do you have enabled "Developer options"?
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Yes, of course. This setup is sometimes required for the correct connection with the desktop PC.

I now installed the Catlog app und this is running now. I will sent you the report as soon as it is available.
Catlog ist still running...
If it will not work, I will try the option with the Android Monitor


 I have a rooted phone. It works perfect sinde year.
I started now the Android Monitor and added the log-report as log.txt, as recommended.


Good day wurzfusel,

thank you a lot, in log is all I needed to know. It contains error message that Locus were not able to load native libraries for your device. This happen rarely on some devices and only solution in this case may be re-installation of application.

So I really suggest, un-install Locus from your device, do a restart and install it again from Google Play. This should help.

@0709: log in device is creating non-stop. It does not matter if catlog is running or not. So it is not a problem to start app and save a lot a while later. Anyway number of lines is limited and some devices print really huge number of lines to this log. So if you save a lot too later after problem, it is possible that required information will be missing.
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thank you so far.
the error disappeared in my Smartphone after deinstallation/installation and re-initializing.

The error is still available on my Android Tablet (Android 4.4.4).
I can' start the Android Monitor, because my device cannot be found. The errror in the device manager of the Android Monitor says: Error: unknown target 'android 16' in C:\Users\Peter\.android\avd\test.ini

I already deinstalled Locu Maps Pro and reinstall it, withou any affect. Just the stop-message appears after starting the Locu app-