Locus hangs on start

Started by Christian, May 19, 2016, 19:24:57

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After update the other phone (SGS4, A5.x) to 3.17 Locus hangs on start. No backup available.
How to solve this?


hatte ich auch erst...

rename Locus folder
install again
start locus
(restore old backup)
end locus
copy important files from old to new locus-folder


Christian, what means "hangs"? Some screenshot? Some more info ... gynta's suggestion should work, but as I know, there were more people with such problem, so if there will be something useful for me, I'll be grateful, thank you.
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Locus loop, and make nothing without an error.
on same status (-Tracks...)


It happens to you too? Maybe it should be connected to this problem . If you delete ".visible_tracks" file in data/database directory, it should help to start.
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Screenshot is attached in my first post.
Deleting visible_tracks. was what i wanted to hear. Will try this...

I have

Which one to delete?


Hmm, no worry, delete both (don't know why you have two). These files just store ID of tracks, that should be loaded at start.
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Locus is up and running again.
Thanx for the fast support.


I am still trying to get back my track-database which disapeared on May 18  after travelling in Portugal. I made by GPS a lot of tracks which are gone south all together with a year of older tracks. See my post in Troubles here.

I am not shure if I just did an update to the newest Locus version 3.17.0 on  17 or 18 of May. Could this the problem generate?


@Christian: you are welcome. Issue found and will be fixed in next version.

@silber1: well, definitely not. Issue of Christian was based on issue in Locus source code. In this case, it seems to be some problem with SD card itself. Update of Locus has no influence on it, sorry.
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Error handling is on the road map?


Hmm, what does it mean? :)
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If an app hangs on start in a loop the app should manage this by itself. Timeout, proc load, what ever... and try to solve this.

If maps are gone away by accident while being used, Locus should search all pathes stored in settings for another map and set the found one as active.
(instead of display a white blank map and generating only red toasts all the time when i switch my phone to offline and switch to online again, uninstalling an app a.s.o.)

If a map not rendered properly permanently a error code should be generated and displayed. Otherwise the most clever  procedure with uninstalling an reinstalling the app and try to recover a backup will be adviced every time as the one and only possible solution.

For users with not rooted "older" devices like me with Note1 running A4.1.1. its not possible to generate and send log files after a crash or serious error. (I tried this several times)
An own, small error reporting system with error codes would be helpful.

Means, i miss some basic error handling and the question it on your road map?
Do you plan some improvements! <- no question mark here.


No, no improvements planned.

When any error happen, there are two options. On places where error should happen, exists already error codes that appear to user together with possibility to send it to our help desk. On places where error should not happen, no error codes exists as well ... there should not happen any wrong.

I get your point, but for example on your problem, no error reporting should help. Locus was stuck in one cycle and it wasn't possible to break it and report any issue, mainly because from developer point of view, there were no problem.
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I can not fully agree.

How to handle this one?
Happenend today after trying to edit and cut a track - orange toast: "without success"
Then Locus hangs...