Categories for tracks just as for points

Started by svartbjorn, April 20, 2011, 08:56:10

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Henk van der Spek

Quote from: "menion"this topic was discussed here a lot of times before I think. To be true, I actually do not want to change this. Actual system seems for me pretty useful. You always not have in phone so much tracks as points. You can also set types to tracks and use filter on them. Also, why to have older tracks in app? Isn't better to export them out of app and keep then in computer? Also when some support for web services that store track come, will this be still useful (categories for tracks)? I don't think so. What about others? I vote for actual system ;) (and hope that others too because I'm little bit lazy in this case)

Sorry for digging this one up again.
1. Anything with more than 15 files get's a folder structure for me.

2. If its better not to have too many tracks in Locus then I need to manage the tracks on my SD card, like this: See pic 1.

3. I can then import when needed and even "display only" not import, good, but the track names are cut short. And rotating the phone does not help: See pic 2.  So I would love a change on this html-like? screen.

With imported tracks that is far better, see here: pic 3 //

4. Also there is the problem that exporting a recorded track does not let me put it in a category on the sd card straight away. Would be nice but I can arrange that later with OI file manager or something else.
Motorola G82 5G 6/128 Android 13 and Motorola Moto G73 5G 8/256 Android 13


I would like to vote for this with both hands (sorry Menion ;))

I know that it will be better to do it on getsatisfaction (sorry again) but only one topic regarded to "categories"I could find was Custom track type //, (which is not exactly this same but... could solve prolem). Unfortunatelly this topic direct me here.

Where I can vote?


Yes, I know what "lazy about that" mean. Most probably because I am familiar with phrase "lazy". So maybe we can make a deal - what about starting with: adding "filtr by name" for tracks? Then everyone could make his own, almost completely unrestricted base of categories. Or tags. Or whatever.


filter by name - done
categories - it depend ;) ... for_tracks
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Sorry Menion, I have seen this thread after writing my other post.
One of the points is: The tracks are always imported to the preset category "imported". Then you have to change the category afterwards for each file.
Plus there is no method to import multiple tracks at once at the moment. So - if you prepare for a hiking vacation with many downloaded tracks you have a lot of work by now.
Besides, maybe the usage scenario is different on a phone, but I use Locus on a tablet (Archos 70) for to hiking, kajaking and geocaching. So it would be nice to have own categories for the different things. Again sorry!


you don't need to sorry :)

I'm currently focused on some map handling & GUI improvements, but I added your topic as well as some others with similar ideas to by "CHECK IT" list :) and I'll for sure look on better import & export feature
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