old offline addresses discussion

Started by balloni55, March 08, 2016, 12:40:38

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new offline address database is available at https://1cd2124e91267cf66658628afab678ee6c3c32e0.googledrive.com/host/0B7v_sPhHE6RgaXhUM2pWbDZhbUE/

The latest beta is needed for full functionality.

Honestly address database and the search system is not able to search by postcode at this moment. So it's not possible right now.



What does this naming means?




_[COUNTRY].osm.db files are for map files with names _[COUNTRY].osm.map

That's correct. Canada is missing because there are still some troubles we need to fix


Thanks for the update.
I downloaded the new db for Belgium but still have the issue I described above. Long click results in "Point" instead of street name.
I have the latest beta installed.
Any tips?
Thanks in advance.

Sent from my Xperia Z1 using Tapatalk



@wvb - well interesting :) would you please post screenshot with "Point" pop-up and coordinates. Thanks
BTW: if you check Menu > Settings > Map - control & panels >  Is "Enable Address display" enabled?


Quote from: voldapet on April 05, 2016, 14:38:02
_[COUNTRY].osm.db files are for map files with names _[COUNTRY].osm.map
funny guy ;D
I asked for reason for naming - not for using  ;)
but thx - i got it now.
After DL netherlands - i see whole country are named "_"+[COUNTRY].osm.map

Andrew Heard

A few quick tests for Slovenia appear to be working.

Some initial tests for streets in Oceania> Australia> Tasmania are not working although search to just "city" level seems OK. Streets are not being displayed in the search suggestions list even though I can long tap on the street and a label displays the correct address. One good & one bad example below...

1st good street search shows correct offline address after long tap AND address search Oceania> Australia> Tasmania> Hobart> Charles also lists this street (note Moonah is suburb of city of Hobart).

2nd bad street search (I choose a random street right next to "good" Charles Street) shows correct offline address after long tap BUT address search Oceania> Australia> Tasmania> Hobart> Effington (or eff) does not list any street. I note that label for Charles Street has street numbers, but label for Effington Street does not have street numbers. Could this be difference in failed search?

Also what does the asterisk (*) at start of address label indicate?

LM4. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: voldapet on April 05, 2016, 19:56:06
@wvb - well interesting :) would you please post screenshot with "Point" pop-up and coordinates. Thanks
BTW: if you check Menu > Settings > Map - control & panels >  Is "Enable Address display" enabled?

Thanks for your reply.
I didn't get the chance to create the screenshot.
It is all working fine now after today's update.
I didn't change anything and with the same action as before I now get the correct street name with a * in front of it to indicate it's from the offline db.
I look forward to using this feature :-)

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OK it sometimes happens ..enjoy the testing ;)

@Andrew Heard
Well it's quite tricky because in OSM data is border for Hobart city defined as this small area https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/6037089  For this reason isn't the Charles Street inside the Hobart city but only in Moonah suburb
However I've made some improvements that could help in such situation...


My Locus Map version is 3.16.2.  I use a Great Britain map file named Great_Britain_10022016.map (dated to remind me) located at Locus > mapsVector.  I downloaded england.osm.db, renamed it Great_Britain_10022016.osm.db and copied it to Locus > mapsVector to sit alongside the same-named .map file.  Menu > Search > Address & Place > Top right menu > Search Address offline is not present, only 'Search address (Online)' in the title bar.  Would my chosen .map name cause a problem (I note in Menu > Maps the file name is displayed without underscores) or is there another issue, possibly?
I note, too, that Search > Address & Place has descriptive text that reads, "Search for addresses and places online".  Am I at the correct path?


Hi rename your mapfile
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


I thank you for your immediate and helpful reply.  The top right menu is available now. 


Quote from: voldapet on April 07, 2016, 15:16:20
OK it sometimes happens ..enjoy the testing ;)

Hi voldapet,
I tested Belgium and Czech Republic and both work fine.

Ireland however doesn't seem to work as expected.
Reverse work but regular offline search doesn't return any result.
If I try offline search, select Ireland then Dublin and enter Talbot, I get no results.
If I press the center icon, Locus takes me to the center of Ireland where I can see Talbot Street.
If I long press thus street I get the reverse result (with * in front of it).

It would be great if I can get this working as I will visit Ireland next week :-)

Sent from my Xperia Z1 using Tapatalk


Andrew Heard

@voldapet I think the issue is more general. It is not a matter of which city (Hobart or Moonah) I type. It seems to me (from popup labels) that roads/ streets that have no street numbers are not displayed in list of offline search results. Using my example - Charles St has street numbers (according to long taps) and is displayed in list of results, Effingham St doesn't have street numbers (according to long taps) and is not displayed in list of results,
LM4. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a