[APP] - version 3.17.x (16. 5. 2016+)

Started by Menion, May 16, 2016, 15:36:07

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Thanks guys, fixed. Funny issue :)

EDIT: if you don't mind, I'll delete your duplicated rooms manually for now.
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Thanks for the fix. Please delete my rooms. (You know my 'My Locus Profile', I guess.)


beta ignores online custom map icons

last pro vs last beta (same folder settings)


Joachim Buhl

Hello Menion

There was a change in the statistics view in one of the last versions (Beta?), right?
I normally want to share a screenshot from the ride in my MTB-whatsapp-groups, to make the guys sitting at home jealous ;-).

The important information are: distance, time and height-meters. In the new screen layout these information are not on one (screenshot) page any more. Thats not nice. Instead I can find calories, pace and so on, which is not so interesting for others.
Can you change this back please? Or hide elements, or customize the view......




@0709: hmm point sprint has no effect on recalculation I believe. Anyway when you use "recalculate", it should be made with "Car - fast" option. Check second 29 in your video - do you see a green symbol on "Recalculate" button? This is it ( btw. long click to change it ).

From your video, problem is that BRouter lead you over some green area without a road? Maybe map data are older then BRouter and road is not yet in the map?

@gynta: thanks, fixed

@Joachim Buhl: Change it back? No, sorry. Discuss, yes :). May idea was to place all "elevation values" next to each other. So all six elevation values are in same section. What you want, is system before, so most interesting information at top, rest below. Cannot say I agree, anyway it's quite matter of taste. Any I do not plan any settings here, sorry. What others think?

Btw. how you share your results? Just take a screenshot with your device and share it over some WhatsApp application, right? What if Locus offer this "screenshot" from full statistics screen? Maybe it should be even a little better ... small map preview and statistics below...
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Quote from: menion on June 25, 2016, 12:11:45@Joachim Buhl: Change it back? No, sorry. Discuss, yes :). May idea was to place all "elevation values" next to each other. So all six elevation values are in same section. What you want, is system before, so most interesting information at top, rest below. Cannot say I agree, anyway it's quite matter of taste. Any I do not plan any settings here, sorry. What others think?

Btw. how you share your results? Just take a screenshot with your device and share it over some WhatsApp application, right? What if Locus offer this "screenshot" from full statistics screen? Maybe it should be even a little better ... small map preview and statistics below...
Grouping all elevation stuff together makes sense, also having the most relevant results on top makes sense. So put those on top, followed by most relevant elevation and then the rest of it.
A full information sharing function would be the luxury way out. Very much appreciated and ending any dispute. I hope ;-)


So placing "Elevation" section above "Speed" section is acceptable solution?

And some "Share my record" which generates some really nice image that should be shared where-ever wants .. sounds good :). More people interested in such task, feel free to create an idea on help desk. It has my vote and it also fits to my plans on next month (improved Share on Facebook mainly for points).
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Quote from: menion on June 25, 2016, 12:28:13
So placing "Elevation" section above "Speed" section is acceptable solution?

And some "Share my record" which generates some really nice image that should be shared where-ever wants .. sounds good :). More people interested in such task, feel free to create an idea on help desk. It has my vote and it also fits to my plans on next month (improved Share on Facebook mainly for points).
I thought speed, duration, distance on top, then elevation.
And this share would also work via mail, WhatsApp, Threema and alike, via standard Android sharing mechanics I hope.

Gesendet von meinem LG-H850 mit Tapatalk



Another thing, old one in fact. How can I switch e.g. Panoramio and other screen elements on and off with ONE tap from the map UI ? Map overlay is a function that I can put in the upper or right function bar. I did not find the new ones.

Gesendet von meinem LG-H850 mit Tapatalk



Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Very telling video! 5 functions accessible on the left side, 10 on the right. What are people smoking to deny understanding the need for smaller buttons on the left ??

Gesendet von meinem LG-H850 mit Tapatalk



Hello Michael
i´m a non smoker, i´m only a betatester ;)
be sure my favorite map screen is without any button on left side !
and so i´ll be happy to know where to disable record button on left side

question from your post #164 is also interesting for me
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


1+ for share my record. 

vom Schmartfon



@michaelbechtold: Panoramio cannot be placed to side panel, you have to use "Map Layers" panel

@balloni55: thanks for videos, I'll check it. And track record button cannot be hidden now, only in case you use bottom panel for a control of track record, not a side panel

@0709: hmm maybe I undestand. Point "Sprint" has icon incorrectly placed out of track, so I though it's just some point in the field. If it lay directly on a track, then it's probably correctly used as "Via point". And I probably understand how the line was created - BRouter computed route just on a road above green area (as I wrote, it compute route for a car! ) and Locus created direct connection to Via point.

About some settings for BRouter ... this is more general problem, not just in case of BRouter. Because there are missing some kind of "Routing profiles", it is not clear how Locus should recompute tracks that has no definition about it's original "compute" source, like for example TCX files. I have to think about it and offer some general solution, agree. Thanks
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