Backup Manager Restore Single Data Folder

Started by ianL, April 24, 2016, 03:03:40

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I am using Locus Pro Ver 3.16.2 and Geocaching4Locus/ Ver 2.1.4

When importing some caches using G4L/Nearest I noticed 'Warning: Empty folder' (or similar)  Thinking I had plenty of storage space anyway I continued and found that all previous data in the destination folder was deleted    I suggest the on-screen warning should be expanded to read 'Warning: Existng data will be deleted Empty folder' or similar

I then read the manual about Backup Manager/Restore  There is little information here  I followed the dialogue boxes and selected the latest auto backup file and ticked Field notes and Points/Tracks   I was expecting but do not recall seeing an option to select Restore for just the folder I had messed up   The app restarted and I had lost in every folder any new data created after the date of the backup file  Again have I missed something?  If not then it would be great if the manual could say just a little bit more to help  The implications for me this time are not huge but I can see it may have been useful for me to have done a manual backup before trying to recover the old folder  Is there any way to then recover the missing new data?  Or could I before the Restore have renamed all the existing folders I did not want to lose and then do some folder renaming and deleting afterwards?  All seems a bit messy  Is there a better way?  I have not found any relevant previosu post

Any assistance or reference to relevant post would be greatly appreciated


for one of your whishes you can vote

this is the  window, so cancel and use another folder for import or deselect checkbox

Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Many thanks for the guidance
1  Your suggestion for improvements to Backup Agree and will give this a vote
2 Warning:  Empty folder etc Thanks for the way out of this problem My recollection is that the window I saw  with the Empty ... etc was different than this Will do some tests and get it sorted for future Do you know why there is such a small limit to the maximum size a folder can be? In this case I had only approx 100 very standard caches without images


QuoteDo you know why there is such a small limit to the maximum size a folder can be? In this case I had only approx 100 very standard caches without images
i think you misunderstood this message ;)
it´s only question you want to have a "vergin" folder content, or you want also keep "old stuff"
if i remember right, there is no limit of max. geocaches/POI´s per folder. So 10000/folder shouldn´t be a problem.

Plese note, if you have enabeled "automatic waxpoint loading" with all wpt-types checked, it needs time on Locus start if folder content is enabeled/visible
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Thanks for that clarification - the light has switched on!   As a test I have again imported  Nearest caches and as you advise I get the  window in your Reply #1 with 'Warning Empty selected folder'  when on the previous screen I have checked the box with 'Empty selected folder'
A point of detail In the context of the Warning screen the words 'Empty selected folder' are strictly in English read as an instruction to the user to take action and that is what fooled me The correct wording is the advisory 'Selected folder will be emptied' Not important for experienced users but useful for a first timer Perhaps this small point could be  considered by the developers
Again thanks for your help


Good evening ianL, balloni,

thanks for suggestion. Text on this dialog will be improved in next Locus version.
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