Navigate to Point using imported Track

Started by rob_j, January 27, 2016, 11:47:17

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I need some help.  Is it possible to navigate (Navigation) to a point that i've imported using a track/route that i've also created?  I have a KMZ that has points and tracks that I import.  I can navigate the track, however I want to be able to select 2 points from the import that are on or near the track and navigate to a point and start from either my GPS or from another point I select from the file.  I have attached a copy of the KMZ.  I've tried BRouter, but it only uses roads near by.  My tracks are created off road.  I'm hoping that the route, turn by turn, would build off the track, not guide, line of sight. Thanks


Hi, at the moment it's not possible to combine "Navigate to" function with "Navigate along a route". Anyway, it's not a bad idea, I recommend to post it on our and let other users vote for it. For now try a workaround - click the route,  click 'Edit on map', select the routepoint you want to be navigated to and convert it to a navigation waypoint - select something that strikes you as a reminder, e.g. "make a U turn " command. Then start navigation along the route as usual.
PR/support & UXW & copy, Locus team, Asamm Software, Prague