[APP] - version 3.13.x (24. 11. 2015)

Started by Menion, November 04, 2015, 16:08:13

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Quote from: balloni55 on December 07, 2015, 14:14:25
i have had identicaly issue, so just an idea
take a look at menu/more/OpenStreetMap Notes and uncheck both checkboxes if checked
Ah, you're right, it was ticked.


really?? Damn, so together with balloni you are fourth person (already two wrote over help desk). It has to be some issue, hmmm weird. I'll disable this manually in update to all Locuses, so users will have to enable it manually once more - which I see as smaller problem then opposite. Thanks @balloni55, good point.
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Quote from: menion on December 07, 2015, 14:38:53
really?? Damn, so together with balloni you are fourth person (already two wrote over help desk). It has to be some issue, hmmm weird. I'll disable this manually in update to all Locuses, so users will have to enable it manually once more - which I see as smaller problem then opposite. Thanks @balloni55, good point.
I would prefer Locus behaves like for altitude display at the center cross or at least descriptive error text instead of silent disabling a user selection.

Andrew Heard

I've noticed recently this message box pops up just briefly after I turn the phone on. I have not tapped the Locus free or Pro app yet. After a week of trying I've only just been fast enough to get a screen capture. Any idea how to fix it? I can't suggest anything else has changed on the phone. Everything else is "normal". There has been no change of auto-backup folder. It seemed to happen when the icons changed (v3.13.1.5).

LM4.26.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Yes, the backup folder in Locus free was invalid (after restore from Locus Pro ZIP). However two points:

  • the problem was obvious once I checked Settings > Misc > Default Folders > Backup, the message text could be much more user friendly
  • why does the message occur at all when I haven't run Locus yet?
LM4.26.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


if i use
build from .jp2 file with MAPC2MAPC
as overlay and set it to opaque, it is displayed inside locus transparent, with GE it is displayed opaque.

what´s the difference of this file?
.kmz file build with locus are displayed opaque, if set
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@Andrew Heard: hmm I've noticed this also. As you discovered, problem is with incorrectly set path to backup directory after some change in Locus (like restore of backup). In your case, you see this message probably because Locus test and try to setup automatic backup after every restart of your device. Correct setup of this path in settings should fix this problem. Anyway absolutely agree that message should look a lot better :).

@balloni: Ground overlay in file has defined it's own opacity to some value (it's defined by "<color>80ffffff</color>"). And Locus take this parameter as 100%. So slider in side panel then define opacity only in range ffffffff > 80ffffff. I'll try to improve it, thanks
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thanks for fixing most of reported issues  :)
#81 fc after first start, i send you log per mail    > request #7517
opaque of kmz overlay  solved  :D but if i use a kmz which contain 2 merged maps, only one is displayed opaque

Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


all training profiles are lost, i can´t say since when :-[

3-dot schould be a +
TTS work perfect, why i get red info?

Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


At least my compass icon is still to large
Regards J.


@balloni55: hmm you KML file is little bit ... unexpected :). One map is in subfolder and second isn't. Anyway ... fixed, thanks!

"Training manager" - layout also improved, thanks. Fact that configurations has lost ... hmm maybe some problems with restoring backup? Because otherwise there should be no reason why this configuration should lost.

"TTS manager" error message - you probably already noticed that system around TTS is not perfect (mainly because of quite often topics on help desk) and needs some more re-work. If it works even that you see this error message - fine :).

@jusc: is this arrow some blurred or oversized? Hard to say here what is "too large" or "too small". I hope that current size will be finally a good compromise for all.
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For years, all was ok for me.
Beta with 100%. Both icons are bigger than in Pro.

Ah... and what i want to say: I love the old map icon of Pro version (right top).

Regards J.


Thanks for your answer :)
question, why do you use different icons?

Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


my OAM Germany has another icon as ballonis  ???

Regards J.


@jusc: I like that icon too, but it's just too complicated compare to other icons, unfortunately.

Interesting that middle cross is larger with 100% scale too. Probably there were some incorrect scaling before. Anyway you may modify this. Compass arrow, this is different story - difference in old and new version is not so big I think, so leave it for now please. I also need to test it more in the field.

@balloni55: you are welcome. And again ... you find everything :). Icon in top map bar is different because in the evening I was chagning these icons, I was too lazy and just this one cause me some troubles. Because soon will have maps from Store next to POI database also database with addresses, we are naming them as "LoMaps" and set them also a different icon, to make this difference clear. Thats all ...
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