[APP] - version 3.13.x (24. 11. 2015)

Started by Menion, November 04, 2015, 16:08:13

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Just updated, compass is still very large, as in reply #35.
Regards J.


Quote from: jusc on December 01, 2015, 19:53:22
Just updated, compass is still very large, as in reply #35.
and unsharp #60

item kml/kmz described problems are solved :)

new challenge see attached screencast:
- sec 18 > both items are clickable
- sec 23 > i hide one, but both are hidden and furthermore clickable
- sec 35 > i hid both, one is furthermore clickable

"Import" inside item tab, half year ago we dicussed with no result ;), so i try it again :P

- "import" with top right 3-dot button end inside poi or track tab and not inside item tab....
how schould user import a kml/kmz to item tab?
- "import" with 3-dot button behind item export this to poi or track tab
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4



I sofa-tested the navigation (and recalculation) with new test version again.
First of all: navigation instructions are successfully auto-generated on navigation start on previously created track with via points (but without instructions). Thanks!
But the problem with not using the via-points when recalculating the route (with point priority) still exists!
Here are the constellations I tested:

1. Create Route via "Route & Measure" including some via points, but not generating instructions.
- start navigation: nav instructions are generated and used
- recalculation: via points are ignored

2. Create Route via "Route & Measure" including some via points and generating instructions.
- start navigation: nav instructions are used
- recalculation: via points are used

3. Copy Route from 1., not generating instructions (so the track basically stays the same, only with a new name)
- start navigation: nav instructions are generated and used
- recalculation: via points are ignored

4. Copy Route from 1. and generating instructions
- start navigation: nav instructions are used
- recalculation: via points are used

So 2. and 4. are ok.
The problem only occurs on tracks with via points, but without nav instructions (1. and 3.). Is this planned to be fixed?



Now we have a blue title bar with a blue setting slider   :P


After login to GD with 2-step verification i´m able to enter GD for use :)

Following behavior i notice multible times:
after a long time (over night/date changes ??) i didn´t  use GD, i get "unauthorised" window :-[
- click on hook > red warning message :o
- click on 3-dot button > logout
and again login with 2-step verification to use GD

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


compass ... sorry, I've forget to improve it, so next time ;)

@balloni55: hmm automatically enabled merging of track and it's waypoints ... this have to be disabled in this case, done, thanks.

"Import" - Michal also push me to do something with this. Copy files directly into "mapitems" directory is not simply possible as there is no mechanism to select "where to copy". So best should be for now, remove "Import" option from top toolbar.

@zossebart: thanks, I like sofa testing (my favorite) ;). Issue found. Because it seems to be quite complicated problem, please check it with next beta version once more. From my quick testing, it seems to work correctly now for all possible combinations.

@LocusUser#1: well, I know. Hard to solve now.

@balloni55: login problems - hmm Google, compare to other services, invalidate login of app after around 1 hour. So every hour, Locus needs to request new "token" for access to your GD. Seems it do not work perfectly yet, thanks I'll try to be careful during testing and hopefully same issue happen to me as well.
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compass arrow size is now ok :)
but i didn´t understand why icon size 50% influence sharpness of compass arrow :-\
Quote- sec 35 > i hid both, one is furthermore clickable
track is furthermore clickable
QuoteSo best should be for now, remove "Import" option from top toolbar.
thanks  ;)
whats about
Quote"import" with 3-dot button behind item, export this to poi or track tab
no answer, nothing changed :-[

After update of the last 3 testversions on first start of testversion locus fc. On further starts of locus all work fine.
So this for your info, it´s not a problem for me, but irritating if this also happen in puplished version for "normal" user
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Thanks @balloni55, you find everything! Problem with scale of rotate arrow was really some copy & paste issue I missed, nice :)

Clickable track - fixed

"Import" option for items in "Items" tab - do not understand what is a problem with this. "Import" just import selected file. Do you think there is better naming then "Import"?
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Thanks for new Testing version!

I passengerseat-tested (on our way to a small weekend trip )  navigation with manually created track again. All works as expected now! Thank you very much!


QuoteThanks @balloni55, you find everything!
i´ll do my best ;D
Quote"Import" option for items in "Items" tab - do not understand what is a problem
for me it is export, see attached screencast, i export this track/POI to trackfolder

and one new task:
crossed-out eye work different, inside item tab it work fine
sec 20 >  remove
sec 25 > all removed, also green label :)
with  crossed-out eye button from sidepanel green label exist furthermore, see
sec 40 >remove with sidepanel button
sec43 > items are removed but green button is displayed furthermore
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Newest beta:
1) Locus requests internet connection w/o obvious reason. I don't know if it happens only during navigation, anyway it shouldn't do so as navigation source is brouter.

2) Nice rework of icons, I like it, though I'm Locus user for more than four years. Just one thing: Please take care for (almost) maximum contrast, the orange navigation arrows might be hard to see in bright sunlight.


@balloni55: hmm so problem is just "naming conventions". In this, I still think that "import" is better. It is same as menu > more > import ... here you also select a file and import it into current database. Same here I think.

And remaining green icon ... nice, I'll fix it thanks.

@tommi: glad you like, me too :). I was testing orange navigation arrows last week and it was bad. Contrast was too low. This weekend I've tested improved version with blue icons and it was even worst :). So Scinkk is just preparing third version with dark roads on background and highly visible blue arrows (similar to icons that were in Locus up to now), so hope it will be ok.

About internet connection: hmm and are you able to see to which url address Locus send request? There should be some network link running on background, online map (as overlay maybe?), WMS map? Locus also use Google Analytics so maybe it should be some data that Google send, but these should be send just rarely usually over wi-fi so it will be probably some feature of Locus itself. But hard to say from my table ... :/
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Quote from: menion on December 07, 2015, 10:59:05
About internet connection: hmm and are you able to see to which url address Locus send request? There should be some network link running on background, online map (as overlay maybe?), WMS map? Locus also use Google Analytics so maybe it should be some data that Google send, but these should be send just rarely usually over wi-fi so it will be probably some feature of Locus itself. But hard to say from my table ... :/
The message pops up every let's say 1-2min. Just as a side-note, WLAN was switched on but no reception, mobile radio was switched off (airplane mode).
I only work with vector map, altitude data I have available as SRTM. I never observed such behaviour of Locus in the past.


@tommi, I would really like to help, but it is almost impossible in this case. Do you have rooted device? For rooted devices seems to exists a lot of tools that allows to analyze network traffic, like this one: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.googlecode.networklog&hl=en .
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i have had identicaly issue, so just an idea
take a look at menu/more/OpenStreetMap Notes and uncheck both checkboxes if checked
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4