behavior of reimported geocaches

Started by balloni55, October 01, 2015, 10:43:18

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Hi menion
accidentally i´ve deleted the folder with my solved mysties last week. :-[
- so i made a backup with backup file from september on locus free
- next i export the complete folder of solved mysteries as .gpx within discription
- backup locus free with file from yesterday
- import of exported solved mysteries folder
now my issue:
- no red dot on displayed icons on map
- no original coords in listing tab displayed
after cache update, althought "keep data during import" is checked
- my solved cache coords are displayed as original coords in listing tab ???
- mystery coords are back as initial ???

Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hello balloni,

so if I understand correctly, you exported caches where you had some computed coordinates (so cache was marked as computed with red dot and also in cache detail was option to revert to original coordinates) and after import, caches are! on computed coordinates, but are not marked as "computed" so update overwrite computed coordinates with original coordinates, am I right?

If so, answer for now is - correct behavior as original GPX file do not support anything like "computed coordinates". Anyway mainly keep default backup so we can work with it.

EDIT: hmm I'm checking it and for me it partially works correctly. Exported cache that is in Locus marked as computed is really exported with extra final waypoint. After import, it lost it's ability to restore original coordinates, but I see it as computed with correct red dot.
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Quotecaches are! on computed coordinates, but are not marked as "computed" so update overwrite computed coordinates with original coordinates, am I right?
Quoteafter cache update, althought "keep data during import" is checked
- my solved cache coords are displayed as original coords in listing tab ???
- mystery coords are back as initial ???
if i  click now "option to revert " coords are not reverted, but revert option with coords is gone.

I´ve send you files per mail see #7463, so i didn´t spoiler ;)

Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


oki, read my edit above please. Weird. Anyway point here is, that re-imported cache has to be marked as "computed" right after import. If is not marked, then update always rewrote it's coordinates. So question here is why it is not marked as "computed". Answer should be in exported GPX file.
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QuoteSo question here is why it is not marked as "computed". Answer should be in exported GPX file.
with which tag?
have you found this tag in my gpx file?
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Very interesting, I've downloaded your file and imported (same result over mapItems) and except some bonus cache, all points has "computed" icon and also update do not change it's coordinates.

When you import this file with 12 points, than all points lost it red (computed)??
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QuoteWhen you import this file with 12 points, than all points lost it red (computed)??
see video, no red dot´s on icons
coords you see in video are the computed, initial coords are N 49°00.829 E 8°48.674
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


hmm you use some custom icons for geocaching points, but even with these custom icons you see a small red dot that mark cache as "computed"?

Generally in exported file, for example first waypoint named "Die Wunderlampe - Start", has one important waypoint called "FI3ETGJ". This waypoint has computed coordinates (same as cache in this case), that cause that cache should be marked as final ... ah one more settings "Move to final point" in geocaching settings. Do you have enabled this settings?
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Quotebut even with these custom icons you see a small red dot that mark cache as "computed"?
Quoteah one more settings "Move to final point" in geocaching settings. Do you have enabled this settings?
no it isn´t checked
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


well ... what to say. Welcome in over-settinged-app. Then check it and try it again.
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QuoteWelcome in over-settinged-app. Then check it and try it again.
sorry, didn´t understand :-[
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Ah sorry :). You wrote you do not have enabled "Move to final point" settings right? So I suggest to ENABLE this settings and try import of your file again. This should solve your problem.
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now i understand your sentence "over-settinged-app" ;)
and best of all, after i enabled  "Move to final point" it works 8), red dots are visible!
so sorry for trouble! :-[
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


absolutely no problem! My sorry that it took so long, till I found such "simple" problem :).
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