[APP] - version 3.12.x (05. 10. 2015)

Started by Menion, September 25, 2015, 06:28:58

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hmm weird, I have no problems with selecting more text. All looks like on second balloni screenshot ... two small dots after double-click that may be moved to select all text I want.

Btw. what track should I download to test problem with clickable link balloni? I would like to fix it. Thanks
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QuoteBtw. what track should I download to test problem with clickable link balloni? I would like to fix it. Thanks
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: menion on October 30, 2015, 17:16:27
hmm weird, I have no problems with selecting more text. All looks like on second balloni screenshot ... two small dots after double-click that may be moved to select all text I want.
Looks like a problem with controls to move between tabs. When i move the slider the page moves. Can not mark desored text.


Quote from: balloni55 on October 30, 2015, 19:24:19
QuoteBtw. what track should I download to test problem with clickable link balloni? I would like to fix it. Thanks
There is no link inside the track :(


QuoteThere is no link inside the track
only in discription
how can i insert a link inside track on GPSies for tests ?

or do you mean a track with build in images like this one?
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Description doesn't exist after download. :(
If you want a clickable link in Locus use html tag <a href= ....>capture</a>in description

Edit: checked gpx file in text editor. Your <desc> only exist within <metadata> not within <trk>. Should be placed after <trk> <name>.

Like this
<name>2015-10-26 Heckenlauf</name>
<desc>Durch Wiesen, Wald und Hecken getrackt mit  <a href=http://www.locusmap.eu>Locus</a></desc>

Don't know if its valid code on GPSies.


Thanks Christian, there is probably nothing more I may say.

Only info: in next version when in description will be no html code, but some links, these links will be clickable.

Unfortunately I have no problems with selecting of text so this will be complicated. You will probably have to use selecting in edit mode till I get in hands device, with same problem.
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Thank you for your response.
Some years ago i suggested to enhance the track detail sections from the xml structure (now only <desc>). All from metadata like author, create date, waypoints a.s.o.
You can now introduce source from <src>.
Only content there will be cklickable.
Sections can be foldable to save space in track details screen.
Its a old idea only...


I exported  brouter elements like "brouter_shortest_0" as "BR-NZ-0.kmz" ....
Afterwards I (re)imported these kmz files, but the name of (re)imported tracks changed back to  "brouter_shortest_0" and ...
Should it not take the name of the imported?
Regards J.


Hello Jusc,

names of imported tracks are created
1) by name in file itself - every track/point may have own name defined inside file (probably this case)
2)  if point 1. do not exists, Locus use name of file itself
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Thank you for reply.
If you import tracks into a folder with already a lot of imported tracks before, you´ll get problems to find the new, if they don´t have the names you are looking for.
Wouldn´t it be better to change the order your described?
Regards J.


Definitely not jusc. If in GPX/KML file is really defined exact name for certain track/point, why to change it to something "virtual"?

Also you may import tracks to separate folder, you may sort tracks in folder by "create date" (this is little bit risky, as tracks may have defined it's time also in GPX/KML file, then it won't work as expected).
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I see.
It seems only to be a problem with exported brouter files If you create a route with brouter app  (not with Locus ) you´ll get file names like brouter... 0 etc. If you want to store these files, you have to export it first and after you can import the exported file into database.
For export you can choose a different name of the brouter... 0 file if you want. But after import your choosen name swichtes back to brouter....0 original name.
I wonder what happens if the n

With other files created and stored with Locus where is no problem.
Please have a look at the attchment and see how it looks even the name of the imported file was changed before.

Regards J.


Understand jusc, but I'm still not sure how may I help here. It looks like a problem of BRouter, not Locus.

Anyway seems you wants to store some temporary tracks. In this case you may use "Copy" feature in menu of track.
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Brouter (app) stores its routes within elements and there is no copy option .
Regards J.