[APP] - version 3.12.x (05. 10. 2015)

Started by Menion, September 25, 2015, 06:28:58

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hm, I just tried it again and it´s working now...
That´s strange, because when it happened I even restarted Locus and tried it with a few caches.
Nevermind then....

Viajero Perdido

Quote from: balloni55 on September 27, 2015, 19:11:27
My setting since years,  used last sunday 20 m, 2 beep
today while geocaching i noticed setting:100m, 1beep
It changed for me too.  50m became 100m, 2 beeps remained unchanged.



@balloni55: I remember there were previously some problems with change of some settings, but it was really rare.

Also sometimes, hope that really rarely, I need to change something in Locus that also resets your own settings. Nice example is this settings for guidance notification. You probably noticed that now it is possible to set distance and speed on some places in your own units (like feet etc.). Because of this small change I had to reset defined settings, sorry for this.

But I have noting to do with OSM notes, really! :)

@gynta: hmm thanks. I'm not quite satisfied with this +/- options, so I'll probably improve it little bit

@eldron: sorry, but ... give me exact steps to simulate it and we should talk ;)
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I managed to find out what the problem was with the missing Waypoint icons. It all works fine unless I use one of my offline SQL maps, which only has low zoom levels (max level is 12). I use that map as an overview, as i still find most vector maps impractical on low zoom levels (town names don´t show up correctly etc.)
So when i zoom into that maps above level 12 locus does not show the waypoints.
Now that I know what´s causing it, it´s not a problem anymore, as I can just switch maps.


Oki, fine. If you decide in future that you wants also solve this issue, feel free to share your map with me with some cache that cause troubles and I'll try to fix it.
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1. Tapping on the MapApps graphic button on the info screen from a popup, gives a further MapApps button (why?). Tapping on that again gives some MapApps, and yet another MapApps button! That probably needs some GUI improvement.
2. Also the system bottom buttons replace the Locus ones after the first tap. This bug is not completely fixed.

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


1. nice. In case, you see after first tap really only one "Map apps", then this really do not make sense. So in this case, I'll rather directly display second list of options
2. hmm this is still a problem with full screen mode. Unfortunately I have no solution for this problem, sorry
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Hi menion,
I found a bad behavior of showing and selecting offline maps on my phone.
I have in \locus\maps\kompass two real Kompass maps:
map1: "Kompass deutsche Alpen Ost"   size=1681,72 MB   zf=10-5
map2: "Tirol"                                         size= 643,28 MB   zf 8-15

map1 is old and was made with MOBAC 2-3 years ago.
map2 was downloaded within Locus with the 10000 tiles/day limitation.

Until now all correct.

Locus shows me an additional but virtual map
"Kompass" alias "Kompass deutsche Alpen Ost, Tirol" with a size=2325,07 and zf=8-15 (screen1)

This is very irritating: this map does not exist, if I delete it then both real maps (map1 and map2) are deleted too, And as these two maps are not exact the same (different age, different sources, different layout) the result looks terrible at the border of one map where the second should show seamless (screen2).

It is no good idea to combine two maps and show them as a new (virtual) map.
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12

User ID silver 1e39d48b8


Hi tramp,

long post, but I'll give you a short answer. This is how locus works since begin. SQLite maps in one subfolder are always merged into one "virtual" map. If you do not like this behavior, place your Kompas maps directly into "maps" directory.
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nearest maps

for me it doesn´t fit,
i expect:
- ORG Custom Home
- Stuttgart mix
- Baden Wurttemberg
- FZK Deu süd
- Germany , OAM Germany
- World

and Bayern map is out of my area ::)

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


But from Stuttgart area Bavaria isn't so far, it is? ;-)
Zufall ist, wenn das Schicksal eine Maske aufsetzt, um nicht erkannt zu werden.  (Wepper)


Hi there, pro user here. Thanks for the developer for this fantastic application, I use it in numerous different occasions and it really does it all. However, I think something changed in recent version(s), as I am not able any more to import a Google Earth generated kmz via Main menu -> Import data -> [select .kmz]. The kmz contains only JPG image, not tracks or points. The usual "File(s) does not contain any points or tracks for the import - Do you want to load and display content on map?" info box shows, but unlike always before, nothing will shop on map when the answer "yes" is selected.

I just learned however, that there's a workaround via Data -> "Items" tab -> [highlight .kmz](that's previously copied to /Mapitems folder).

Did something change in the last update regarding this?


@balloni55: hmm sorting is based on big bounding rectangle that fit a map and your distance to border or center to this rectangle. Not a best solution, but in case of vector maps, there is not known exact map border for now. Anyway thanks for pointing me on this, we plan to improve something in our vector maps, so it should also improve this. Mainly "world map" as I see.

@vindee44: hi, issue already reported here: http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/cant-load-my-kmz-files-with-version-3-12-0
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A-ha, thanks for the answer! I tried my best googling for the problem and using the search of this board, I wasn't aware of the Locus helpdesk section, that will become useful in future. Good to know that I wasn't the only one with the "problem", and good to know that solution will be upcoming.

I guess the /Mapitems method is the "correct" way to manage kmz overlays, but for some situations it's very handy to be able to import random kmz files quickly via the 'import data' function.