'Distance to target' and 'Time to target' requirements

Started by silvermapper, September 18, 2015, 09:24:38

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My main use of Locus Map Pro is for hiking.  Typically, I import .gpx files of tracks that I have created in GraphHopper Driving Directions or from sites that offer ready-made walks.  I follow the track and record my own tracklog.  I have had no success in getting 'Distance to target' and 'Time to target' to work.  I should be grateful if a user would inform me in detail as to the steps I must take.


Hi silvermapper again :)
Time to target and Distance to target values are available in Navigation along a route. Time to target is calculated according to your current speed and is very approximate. Recommended procedure when you get to the spot from where you want to hike:

  • select the track to follow (in tracks tab or on map of Locus)
  • open the navigation menu
  • select Navigation - three new fields appear in the upper part of the screen - a field with distance and shape of the next turn and two customizable fields that can display Distance to target and Time to target
More about navigation along a route here: http://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php?id=manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:along-route
PR/support & UXW & copy, Locus team, Asamm Software, Prague


I wonder about my 'phone or Locus Map installation sometimes: I have experienced difficulties over time with several procedures that seem should be straightforward.  This is another one: I do not obtain a reducing distance or time doing precisely what you wrote - I select the tack on the map then 'Navigation/Guidance'.  I wondered if the track had to be a route as was the case with my previous Garmin eTrex, but it does not seem to be so here so far as I read in the manual.
I thank you again for confirming the action, anyway; I shall continue to persevere.