AndroidPit-Licensing unreliable

Started by Jollo, April 09, 2011, 12:29:59

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ah damn, you still have this issue on 1.8.4?? It should now work correctly! Hmm looks like android market licencing is fine now but this (AndroidPIT) not. I have to look on it ... thanks for info
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If I can be honest, androidpit is crap system, I bought locus pro through it just because (at the time) official android market didn't allow to buy it for my HTC Wildfire 2.1, I really don't know why, didn't bother, just grabbed it from androidPIT, not knowing how much trouble I'm getting into. Now, I had licensing problems all over, I didn't realize my app version is 2 months old, since it was not auto-updating as other regular market apps do. You have to launch androidPIT app to update your androidPIT apps :(
Today I've updated from 1.5.1 to 1.8.9 and I will test if there are any licensing issues in following days.

Backstory, with 1.5.1, I went to holiday abroad for 1 week, was downloading maps 2 days before holiday and didn't install locus free, so I relied on locus pro, left all paper maps at home and when I crossed a border, loosing connectivity, I wasn't able to use the program, it always kicked me out cause of licensing. Since I really don't want to pay for roaming data rip off prices, I was out of locus all the time. That's why I'm now here and figuring out how to avoid such troubles in future.

edit: questions:
1, Do I have a guarantee that maps will work in offline mode when I'm out of internet? For how many days? ex. when I go to holiday for 2-3 weeks abroad, what do I need to do?
2, is there an easy way to 'convert' license to android market license?

regarding question2, if not, I'd just buy it again from android market, considering it as a donation :). I like the app, I just hate androidPIT now and feeling uneasy that I supported it this way unwillingly.


  do you have same issues also with another program? Since 1.5.1 I did a lot of improvements into this licence check. You cannot expect all works fine when you have very very old version :). Anyway, sorry for troubles on holiday

  so answers:
1. when you download maps (to offline), they remain valid forever and always works without internet.
2. this is unfortunately not possible. I also prefer market. That's reason why I do not write anywhere about AndroidPit. Also one of reasons is that I plan to add some payed content by in-app billing and this is not possible on androidPit. Also when anyone have big problems with Locus bought by market, I can refund money back even after month or later. It's not possible on AndroidPit.

But finally, I don't think that AndroidPit is wrong. Problem with licence check was on my side, because It's just on me to do some improvements into their library to avoid such a troubles. Also they bring possibility to buy apps to almost all countries and that's really good because before cca month only in very limited count of countries was allowed to buy.

And as i wrote, there is no chance to refund money from AndroidPit, anyway if you (or anyone other) have licence on androidPit and want to switch to Android Market, you can send me number of order on AndroidPit, number of order on Android Market and you PayPal account and I will send you money for app on PayPal. It's the only way I see ...
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thanks for explanation,
thing is, I didn't know I have such an old version, since I though it's automatically updated... but nevermind, that's solved now,
regarding question 1, - what I had in mind is, when I download maps and be offline for longer period of time (more than 2 weeks for example) wouldn't it happen that my license 'token' or whatever will expire and I'll be kicked out from app?

Quote from: "menion"Hi,
  do you have same issues also with another program? Since 1.5.1 I did a lot of improvements into this licence check. You cannot expect all works fine when you have very very old version :). Anyway, sorry for troubles on holiday

  so answers:
1. when you download maps (to offline), they remain valid forever and always works without internet.
2. this is unfortunately not possible. I also prefer market. That's reason why I do not write anywhere about AndroidPit. Also one of reasons is that I plan to add some payed content by in-app billing and this is not possible on androidPit. Also when anyone have big problems with Locus bought by market, I can refund money back even after month or later. It's not possible on AndroidPit.

But finally, I don't think that AndroidPit is wrong. Problem with licence check was on my side, because It's just on me to do some improvements into their library to avoid such a troubles. Also they bring possibility to buy apps to almost all countries and that's really good because before cca month only in very limited count of countries was allowed to buy.

And as i wrote, there is no chance to refund money from AndroidPit, anyway if you (or anyone other) have licence on androidPit and want to switch to Android Market, you can send me number of order on AndroidPit, number of order on Android Market and you PayPal account and I will send you money for app on PayPal. It's the only way I see ...


Quote from: "skroslak"regarding question 1, - what I had in mind is, when I download maps and be offline for longer period of time (more than 2 weeks for example) wouldn't it happen that my license 'token' or whatever will expire and I'll be kicked out from app?

See //


Quote from: "rijackson741"
Quote from: "skroslak"regarding question 1, - what I had in mind is, when I download maps and be offline for longer period of time (more than 2 weeks for example) wouldn't it happen that my license 'token' or whatever will expire and I'll be kicked out from app?

See //
ok, so that's clear, thx


just to clear this topic. Licence check should be done sometimes after update, so it's better to try locus after update before go offline. Anyway then no internet check will be required. Also when for unknown reason there will be some problem and you'll not be able to use Pro version, you'll get after start option to use Pro as Free, so you'll be able to use Locus still but only with some small limits that brings Free version. But I really hope that all will works fine now
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