Export to Everytrail

Started by Rob, April 07, 2011, 13:05:26

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Hi Menion, do you have any plans to export tracks directly to e.g EveryTrail ?



Ok, i'm now registered user on everytrail, I have some API access and key. So what is first task? :) Upload tracks I think ...
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great. Yes ex- and import tracks would be fine.
hmm, ...  I´m afraid to ask :-):  and www. outdorractive.com ??  same issue....
krg Rob


as I'm looking more and more on everytrail, there seems to be so many things that can be done. Uff ...

here is actual API with list of functions. http://devwiki.everytrail.com/index.php/Main_Page

so, and can anybody (Rob for example) tell me what is important to do? I'm not using everytrail and will not be so I really need some help with this to get it work :).

 Help in sense like

- best should be crate NEW TRIP like here http://devwiki.everytrail.com/index.php/Trip_Creation with name of track and upload there all points. Finito :)

EDIT: leave outdoor active for a while and let's slowly do firstly everytrail ...
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Hi Menion,
there are 2 goals (at least for me):
1) to have a tourbook in EveryTrail, based on the tracks recorded by Locus with added description, interesting POI´s, Fotos and - if possible - the selected maptiles of the track (because Everytrail doesn´t support e.g. outdooractive or Bergfex maps). I do not know if Everytrail will accept/show up maptiles of different providers, than maybe sending the map with the track as "foto" (image) additional to the trackdata could be an option - but, it´s a "nice to have" not really a condition, so do not spend too much time on this. A workaround could be: to take  a screenshot of the acual view in Locus and send it to EveryTrail as an additional image.
So, no changes of tours, no additions, (this all can be done perfectly in Locus ) just "store" these information in EveryTrail would be more than sufficient (to me)

2) if I find interesting tours of other colleagues in Everytrail, I want to IMport those to Locus, set the "guide on" and walk along.

Prerequisite but obviously is to have a valid account for Everytrail. In Locus just enter once this login to be able to ex-/import.

good luck and thanks for taking into account...

ad EDIT: ofcourse - no hurry - only if you get bored :-)


Hi Menion,

maybe you can also support Google as a further example?
Look here: http://www.google.com/fusiontables/Home
There you can easily add further tracks that will be part of your own maps in Google.
Another example would be connect.garmin.com. This service accepts between others .gpx-files.

And I will check EveryTrail if it fits for me also.



I'll look at it guys. I have also one idea. If here is some android developer, or anyone who want to start or have a little experience, he should create addon for locus with this functionality. I can be simply done. Just create application that will catch some calling from locus with exact data to send to some web server. Same situation opposite. User run addon, select track he want import to locus, addon download tracks and send them to locus. Pretty simple. Main part is communication with web server. So if anyone want to do something like this, this should be more then welcome, so I can invest time to another part of developing ...

hmm another web service ... http://www.runningfreeonline.com/Splash
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