Reset track map thumbnail to "world view"

Started by c.s.g., June 12, 2015, 22:28:29

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as described here in the chapter "Tracks List" there is a track map thumbnail for each track in the list.

When I select a track in the track list the track map thumbnail changes from a "world view", i. e. a world map without any detailed info about the track as shown here in the second selected track, to a real little preview which represents the track.

How can I reset that track map thumbnail to the "world view" back?



open track preview change folder style on>off or off>on, so you get the worldmap back.
But on next opening the detailed backgroundmap is again visible. This little map view depend on currently used vectormap  theme

EDIT: or do you want to have always the world map displayed?
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4



Quote from: balloni55 on June 13, 2015, 08:40:53
open track preview change folder style on>off or off>on, so you get the worldmap back
This does not work for me using Locus Pro 3.9.1. If I do so the worldmap is shown for a short time in the track list but is then replaced by the detailed backgroundmap again.

Quote from: balloni55 on June 13, 2015, 08:40:53
But on next opening the detailed backgroundmap is again visible
That is what I want. I take a look on the tracks I have downloaded for my holiday region. The tracks which are worth to have a closer look at should be marked with the detailed backgroundmap. The other tracks should stay on my smartphone but should be marked with the worldmap again after looking at it.

Quote from: balloni55 on June 13, 2015, 08:40:53
This little map view depend on currently used vectormap  theme
OK, I understand. This may cause the "trouble" I have to get the worldmap back in (1.).
I am using the freizeitkarten vector maps I directly download from here with the corresponding fzk-outdoor-contrast theme downloaded also from that homepage.

Quote from: balloni55 on June 13, 2015, 08:40:53
EDIT: or do you want to have always the world map displayed?
No. See (2.)



hi c.s.g.,

if I understand correctly, you just want to have some tracks with detail map overview and some with world image just to separate interesting tracks from less interesting??

This is anyway not possible. Overview is generated automatically when track is used and this process cannot be stopped. If you need to separate tracks, why don't you create a two folders and separate tracks into these folders?
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Hi menion,

Quote from: menion on June 16, 2015, 10:35:32if I understand correctly, you just want to have some tracks with detail map overview and some with world image just to separate interesting tracks from less interesting??
Yes that is right.

Quote from: menion on June 16, 2015, 10:35:32This is anyway not possible. Overview is generated automatically when track is used and this process cannot be stopped. If you need to separate tracks, why don't you create a two folders and separate tracks into these folders?
That could be the solution for my "problem". But the longer I use track list the less the detailed backgroundmap disturbs me. ;)
Another solution could be that I mark the tracks, that are not so interesting for me with a black track color, the other ones with a blue track color.

Another thougt to switch back to the world map view is that this view may uses less system resources of android than the detailed background map. But this may be a windows based fear of mine. I have very little, or better say no experiences with the android programming system.



As you see, there is a lot more different options to separate tracks, so good luck ;).

And when you see a small generated overview, it is already generated and stored in database. Then display use almost same amount of resources, so no worry here.
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