Bug report version 3.9.1., navigation with overlapping instructions

Started by Joachim Buhl, June 02, 2015, 20:52:06

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Joachim Buhl

Hello Menion

The problem is not solved yet, like expected  ;)

You wrote here
that "it worked" for you.
What is working for you?
What do you think causes the trouble?

The problem was, that MapQuest created an instruction on one way and I add an instruction manually on the way back on the "same" position. Afterwards, during navigation, Locus notifies the wrong instruction at the wrong time (way there, way back mixed up). "Same" position means that Mapquest added the instruction at point number 53 and I jumped with the arrows (edit on map) to point 24 and convert this to a navigation waypoint, Point 53 and 24 are at the same place (sample file find attached, newly created with current version)





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Joachim Buhl

Hello Menion

Yes, I can.
You added both instructions manually.
The problem only occurs, when you add an instruction on a place where an instruction created from e.g. Mapquest already exists!

Thread history:

""Same" position means that Mapquest added the instruction at point number 53 and I jumped with the arrows (edit on map) to point 24 and convert this to a navigation waypoint,"

"Created with MapQuest instructions plus manually added ones in Locus."

"Ergo: With only manually added waypoint it seems to work but not with mixture of created and manually added ones."




Joachim Buhl

Hello all

Yes, maybe Gpx export messes things up.
But that's not relevant for the problem.
It also happens with a track created within locus and edited in locus and never exported.


Joachim Buhl


Please no discussions about GPX export and file format stuff. That only confuses the whole thing. Keep it simple for now.

Just create a track with mapquest in locus and add some instructions manually where mapquest already places an instruction.

That's it for now.



Quote from: Joachim Buhl on June 05, 2015, 21:05:15
Just create a track with mapquest in locus and add some instructions manually where mapquest already places an instruction.

Hmm thanks, finally at least short description, what should I do :). Anyway I see here major problem, that Locus allows you to create second navigation point on already existing navigation point. So this is fixed in new Beta version. So it will be firstly need to remove previous waypoint, before you may create a new waypoint.
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Joachim Buhl

Hello Menion

No, no, no.
It is not the same point!!!!!!!!!!!!! or should not be the same point. Its the same location/place, but not the same point!

Step by step, with pictures:

I start to create a route in Locus with MapQuest and on the way into the forrest I come to this crossing and MapQuest does not create an instructions because for MapQuest its maybe the same way but I want to have a "straight on" there.

The good thing is, we can add instructions manually in Locus, yeah, after finishing the route.

Than I come to the same crossing from another direction on the way back and MapQuest creates an instruction to go left.

So at the end we have point 25 on the way into the forrest where Mapquest did not create anything

and we have point 55 on the way back where MapQuest creates an instruction "left".

So after finishing the route I go to point 25!!!!!!! and add an instruction manually "straight on" (in old version, not anymore).

And than the problem is that I get the "left" instruction on the way into the forrest, where I place the "straight on" command and I get the "Straight on" instruction when I come back and need the "left" command.

So its two different points (different numbers), but Locus does not match it right somehow.

So not creating a "second" instruction is not a solution!



Joachim Buhl


Thanks for help.
The BRT TCX File works perfect.

So I assume, that the "cue-sheet" of Locus is not working properly.
Hopefully Menion can fix this.
