[APP] - version 3.9.x (29. 6. 2015)

Started by Menion, May 22, 2015, 14:36:43

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@john_percy: hmm interesting. Locus do not modify default directories and also do not add any directories to "Add external maps", so by any accident, it happen probably on your side. Sorry

@Andrew Heard: I'm trying to simulate your problem and it works fine for me. I have now only 600 MB free on card, I tap on a purchase of whole Germany map (190 LC, required almost 4 GB for download), purchase valid and then appear issue with "not enough free space". But button "Purchase" is still on screen. Button "back" and return to Germany fixed this and now button "Download is visible". (I'll try to fix this).

You have deleted France map manually over some file browser out of Locus, or directly in Locus? Seems like Locus incorrectly noticed that map is removed and offer to you only "update" of older map. Anyway as I see, map was correctly charged only once, right? So except confusion, nothing extra happen. Fine. I'll try to play with it a little bit, so maybe this happen to me as well, so I'll be able to correctly refresh top panel with active buttons. Thanks for report and sorry for these troubles! Hope that map is downloaded and nicely working!
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So test version is out.

We have some problems with Swisstopo maps with latest Locus on Google Play (for unknown reason, in middle of June they have changed name of one map layer, hmm ...), so new version will be sooner then I planned. Probably Saturday/Sunday.

So if there is anything I missed that needs to be fixed, improved, feel free to write me. During Friday, I'll be only "tuning" :)
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Quote from: tramp20 on June 29, 2015, 17:00:15
Automatic backup fails only in and .4 on two devices.

Did you found anything?
These files (backup all) are created with  length zero.
Settings only are ok.
Sony Xperia Z1c     Android 11 LOS 18.1
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14

User ID acc406201


Hi, menion.
I've found that change the order of navigation points works by dragging start or end point icon but doesn't work by dragging via point icon. Isn't it an issue?


1. Recorded tracks are cant be exported with a cyrillic alphabet. Error.
2. During voice navigation along track when I deviate from the track line in 90% of cases the voice saying wrong information about the deviation distance. Usually it say "10 kilometers". Now I cant understand is it an algorithm error or error in my russian translation? ;-)


@tramp20: partially answered here http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=4601.msg37980#msg37980 , in latest, I reverted code to old system used in 3.9.3, so it should work correctly for now.

@ta-ka: hmm move of points in "Navigate to" is quite secret function, nice found :). Anyway whole system is quite weird. "Via points" has instead of icon "cross" that is used for removing of point. But because of this, point cannot be dragged. Also it is not clear that points may be dragged at all, so I need to find our a better solution ...

1) please, give me example
2) 10 kilometers?? :). You may see distance to track along the line. Is it match to voice command? Probably no. So what value is visible next to arrowed line when you are out of track? Also you are using TTS as navigation voice?
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on July 02, 2015, 09:56:22
@Andrew Heard: I'm trying to simulate your problem and it works fine for me. I have now only 600 MB free on card, I tap on a purchase of whole Germany map (190 LC, required almost 4 GB for download), purchase valid and then appear issue with "not enough free space". But button "Purchase" is still on screen. Button "back" and return to Germany fixed this and now button "Download is visible". (I'll try to fix this).

You have deleted France map manually over some file browser out of Locus, or directly in Locus? Seems like Locus incorrectly noticed that map is removed and offer to you only "update" of older map. Anyway as I see, map was correctly charged only once, right? So except confusion, nothing extra happen. Fine. I'll try to play with it a little bit, so maybe this happen to me as well, so I'll be able to correctly refresh top panel with active buttons. Thanks for report and sorry for these troubles! Hope that map is downloaded and nicely working!
@menion - you are entirely correct/ your experience is same as mine, and also your conclusions. I'm not sure if I tried the Back button after warning because of concern the purchase may be "lost", I just saw the Purchase button, and confusion. I left Locus running, and used a separate File Explorer to manually free up space by deleting the two France maps. Yes, map was charged correctly, and only once. I "guess" swapping from Purchase to Download button after the warning is a solution? Maybe also one of those Question Mark icons could explain the purpose of Download button? The files are still downloading, about 20 hours so far, 93% of 1.8GB, nearly there and ready for our next 6 week cycle tour! RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: menion on July 02, 2015, 22:40:04
@tramp20: partially answered here http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=4601.msg37980#msg37980 , in latest, I reverted code to old system used in 3.9.3, so it should work correctly for now.

Thank you, it is ok again.
Sony Xperia Z1c     Android 11 LOS 18.1
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14

User ID acc406201


Quote@balloni55: รกรกรก minute before I wanted to go to bed, crash with tap on waypoint happen to me also. So I've probably found it. Will be fixed in next Beta!
confirm fixed :)
Quoteproblem in Google Earth (rotated image) will be fixed in next version. It was issue in Locus, thanks. By re-import - you mean that you import back exported KMZ file?
rotated images are also fixed :) thanks
but small problems with discription text exist

this problem appeares only if you (locus) insert rotations info inside CDATA
QuoteThis needs to be improved, I'm aware of it
perhaps i found a solution, if rotate info is in CDATA add yello maked tags ;)

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


As a temporary solution, why not. I'll test it to next version, I do not wanted to spend a time on this for now. it anyway require some more precise solution I think.

And new version 3.10.0 is out. I do not received some feedback on new via points in navigation. Fortunately, I did quite a lot of field testing, so I hope, it was enough :). Enjoy version 3.10.0 and thanks as usually for a very nice help with solving most of problems and UI glitches.
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