[APP] - version 3.9.x (29. 6. 2015)

Started by Menion, May 22, 2015, 14:36:43

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About external (Andro)themes:
the "overlay selecion" pop up after 2nd choose
Is it "how it works" now?
(no problem - but good to know).


Quote from: menion on June 07, 2015, 18:04:50
With new beta

For me the new beta did not display 4 out of 5 maps (MOBAC map amongst the not working). And the online map mixes Morocco and Canada at level 5


QuoteWith new beta
yes, also with this one :-[
the map is loaded, POI´s/geocaches  are visible and on right possition, long click on map display the correct adresslabel
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@gynta: yes, it is working for you? It's just a feature "in preparation" so behavior may change

@balloni55, @michaelbechtold : I just found an issue in multi-sqlite maps (maps in one subdirectory). Is this your case? If also some map stored directly in Locus/maps (some map from a single file) is not working for you , is there something special on this map? Like stored on external, read only card, or whatever?

Michael, you wrote about some mess in Online maps ... which online map cause you a troubles?

Also sorry for this new mess. It is all because of completely new system for Outdoor Active maps, so I hope it will worth it :).
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No worries, Menion, there is a reason for a beta phase ...

First re. the sqlite map issue: the structure on my (readonly) SD card is:
_world directory, containing:
- Custom Public Transport.sqlitedb (MOBAC map of 1.5 GB I build some time ago)
- WorldOSMLocus.sqlitedb (445 MB from OAM)
- WALT.hdr
- WALT.bil (do not recall where they came from)
- subdirectory world with OruxMapsImages.db and associated xml (thsi one has a strange effect, BTW: the map shows places a number of KMs north of real position)

Now re. the Online map: it is called mapsOnline in the Quick Map Switch and it represents a folder (read/write, internal SD card on Galaxy Note) with a number of maps in it, totalling 380 MB, and Google_Hybrid and Google_Classic being the elephants in the room.
And it produces total chaos_
Level 1: South Africa and Morocco have correct tiles, the rest of Africa and Europe shows a higher level North East Canada map
Level 2: same, but blurred (i.e. simply magnifies the same information)
Level 3: Africa except Morocco and SA OK, MA and SA are correct in shape, but blurred
Level 4: Morocco is fully "moved" to NE Canada
Level 5: Morocco shows Antarctica, while Algeria shows Google Classic, West Africa Google Hybird, and rest of Africa is empty (white)
Level 6: correct maps, but a mix of Hybrid and Classic - but also empty spaces
Level 7: same
Level 8: same
Level 9: same
Level 10: same

I double checked with Pro install, which uses the same maps directories:
L1 - L10: correctly shows Google Hybrid without any gaps (I had downloaded manually before the Morocco vacation)

Stopping one Locus version and starting the other and back again safely reproduces above situation.

Good luck and kind regards



Quote from: balloni55 on June 07, 2015, 19:37:29
QuoteWith new beta
yes, also with this one :-[
the map is loaded, POI´s/geocaches  are visible and on right possition, long click on map display the correct adresslabel

I can confirm those details, too.


Quotemap stored directly in Locus/maps (some map from a single file) is not working for you , is there something special on this map? Like stored on external, read only card, or whatever?
for me it doesn´t matter map is in internal or external Locus/maps stored, my map is not visible in Beta
Now i noticed that this map is partially affected in PRO, see screenshot, other areas of this map are displayed well over zoomlevels This map i use last 2 years without any problem

QuoteIt is all because of completely new system for Outdoor Active maps
I create new maps with MOBAC,
maps with mapsource Outdooractive >  problem as discribed, :o
map created with other mapsources work well :)

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Colour coding user interface
I've posted this here as I can't include images in the post on the help desk (only attach them), and the interface is developing release by release.
Anyway, can you please standardise what colours mean in the interface? We have tan bar, and red or blue text to indicate current option, and red or blue text to indicate.. nothing as far as I can see.

tan bar  (current selected option):

blue text  (current selected option):
red text  (current selected option):

red text (just highlighting):

blue text (just highlighting):

For me, UI consistency is vital.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Quote from: john_percy on June 08, 2015, 11:27:33
...We have tan bar, and red or blue text to indicate current option, and red or blue text to indicate..
...For me, UI consistency is vital.
This brings me back to Wolfgangs post - about text input fields.
Quote from: balloni55 on June 03, 2015, 07:41:03...
after long click on any value milky button panel appears, if i click "3-dot button" locus freeze :(

This (paste!) 3point-button appears also on  different places.
and sometimes is the bar...
...withe with white symbols
...dark grey with black text
...grey with black text
...white with black text
...grey with white text
What's the reason for all of this mix?



btw. confirmed Wolfgangs FC only with Locus.
As you wrote - not a big problem but I think that's a selfmade problem.


problems with maps - hmm this will be a problem. I'm unable to find some serious problem. Anyway few small was there, so all fixed now. You will see in next Beta version. If there still be any issue, I'll ask for sharing your map for test, thank you!

Inconsistent UI - very good observation. I'm your men, so let's try to unite it :). Major problem, as usually, is to find some color that will define "selection". I;m testing few colors. I like a green or some darker colors, but they are hardly visible behind the desk. On the sun, there will be no difference at all, so it needs some clearly visible color. Like red ... I've choose "Deep Orange - 900" - https://www.google.com/design/spec/style/color.html#color-color-palette , after some experiments, so we will see in the field. So I'll try to make all selections colored by this color. Problem will be on some places, where are selected whole lines, like in map/data manager. So it will needs some more testing to get rid of really old orange color and make it good-looking.

Problem with top menu - gynta, I'm well aware of this, and I'm still unable to solve it. Do not know why, but all my tries ends with failure :/
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Quote from: menion on June 08, 2015, 19:55:51
problems with maps - hmm this will be a problem. I'm unable to find some serious problem.

I have the map problems too on my LG P970 Android 4.2.2 with the newest beta:
Offline raster maps from Kompass and vector maps (from your server) are shown correct, but my OutdoorActive map not at all.

So I restored from TitaniumBackup my latest free version 3.9.0 and all maps are ok again.

On my other smartphone with Android 5.0.1 I have no problems.

What do you mean with "I just found an issue in multi-sqlite maps (maps in one subdirectory)"?
I have in \maps several subdirectories with only one sqlitedb-map.

Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12

User ID silver 1e39d48b8


Quote from: menion on June 08, 2015, 19:55:51
problems with maps - hmm this will be a problem. I'm unable to find some serious problem. Anyway few small was there, so all fixed now. You will see in next Beta version. If there still be any issue, I'll ask for sharing your map for test, thank you!
Bad news - Locus don't load my old map (multi-sqlitedb in one folder with different zoom levels).
Have to upload whole 4GB to Server?:) ok no problem  - upload has started... brb... stoped!  :)


nono wait not needed. it is a global issue which Ive alredy fixed. but I started to improve it little more so it takes longer then I expected
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Andrew Heard

@menion I've now done first test of with

  • display "idle time"
  • auto turn off screen now check if navigation order
  • improved "idle time" during navigation
I first used idle time=5s, navigation_announcements_times=20, Android sleep=15s, because my ideal behavior is 20s before each navpoint the display is turned on, then remains on for 5s after navpoint. When not navigating Android turns off the display after 15s.

What actually happens is: 20s before each navpoint the display was turned on, but then only 5s later the display is turned off and remained off while passing the navpoint. I passed tens of my navpoints over a few hours while riding - the behavior was totally consistent. So - new changes are not working for this combination of settings.

After a few experiments I eventually used this combination:

idle time=0s (disabled), navigation_announcements_times=25, Android sleep=30s.

What actually happens is: 20s before each navpoint the display is turned on, and 10s after the navpoint the display was turned off. For me this was finally a good behavior.

When I tried these same settings with 3.9.1 Pro the display was turned on for 50s instead of 30s, which for me is not as good because I want to use the display as efficiently as possible. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a