[APP] - version 3.8.x (26.04.2015)

Started by Menion, April 19, 2015, 09:33:40

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Quote from: balloni55 on April 21, 2015, 11:49:42
QuoteIf you create a reverse copy of a track, then all commands should be also reversed right?
yes and as i wrote this work well. For tests i use my jogging round in forest without roundabouts ;)
And so i don´t understand your answer, sorry
So if you see no other solution please deactivate possibility to create a reverse copy of a track which allready included navigation points.

Hmm it was just a question. Are you sure, that if you create a track with navigation orders and then you create a reversed copy, commands will be still there? As I look into code, I'm sure it do not work in this way. All waypoints that are used as commands for navigation are always removed during "reversing".
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When creating tracks and alternating between "route calculation" and manual adding points, the finnish navigation command wpt stays. It would be nice if adding points would remove it.
One can convert a wpt to a navigation wpt, but I think it should be possible to clear the navigation stuff of a wpt as well.


QuoteAre you sure, that if you create a track with navigation orders and then you create a reversed copy, commands will be still there?
No, this is exactly what i noticed :-[

For your better understanding,
my idea to get an optimized track with commands in both directions:
1. i open  track without any navigation infos
2. now i create a copy with commands
3. next i opimize (delete/add) some navigationpoints/commands
4. from this optimized track with included commands i want to have a reverse one

and dependig on your code this is not possible :-[
so it would be logical for me, checkbox "Change orientation" is grayed, if user want to create a copy with included commands.
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Is it intentional that I can no longer download maps from any of my online custom providers? I could download using the previous pro version but not the previous beta RC. I had (perhaps mistakenly) assumed that was because it was based on the free app.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org



Only difference between Beta and regular Pro should be widget for track recording. And because I do not use any custom maps, I do not noticed this unwanted side-effect, sorry.
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I have an other question.
When I tap on a waypoint (geocache) and choose "Zielführung ein" (sorry, don't know the english version... I.e. Guidance on perhaps?) I can no longer deactivate the guidance by long pressing the button that appears in the upper left corner.

Is that a change or an error? I use it quite often...



Bucky Kid

There's still persisting bug from beta - afteractivating navigation for route with manual navigation commands, the route up to nearest navigation waypoint is hidden (until I change to different map)


Quote from: JoxM on April 22, 2015, 19:34:42
I have an other question.
When I tap on a waypoint (geocache) and choose "Zielführung ein" (sorry, don't know the english version... I.e. Guidance on perhaps?) I can no longer deactivate the guidance by long pressing the button that appears in the upper left corner.

Is that a change or an error? I use it quite often...
works well with short tap to show menu and long tap to terminate guidance.


Sorry, not for me...
Short tap, menu, ok.
No action on long tap.


@JoxM, @Diddi: thanks, issue found. It happen only for a waypoints, not for a tracks. Maybe because of this, @Christian had no such problem. Fixed

@Bucky kid: thanks, found an issue when track is color by, for example altitude (not a simple color) and then started navigation do not draw a track correctly. This is fixed now. Thanks
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Bucky Kid

Quote from: menion on April 23, 2015, 01:35:28
@Bucky kid: thanks, found an issue when track is color by, for example altitude (not a simple color) and then started navigation do not draw a track correctly. This is fixed now. Thanks

Thanks for fix, yet I lack the auto-navigation feature after adding some user navigation commands to the route. If you don't want to mix both schemes together, add please at least command into track tool menu for removing all user's commands to re-enable navigation on all tracks - or add a choice to user which system he wants to use). I'd definitely prefer having both systems active - navigation on all tracks overriden by user commands where present.

I added a request for "Hybrid navigation mode" so please who might need it make a vote


What I am still missing is the possibility to distinguish between turns and junctions. Usually I only need guidance on junctions, not turns.


Function "Geocaching Tools"
a huge line space  ;)