Track guiding: manual force jump to next point

Started by svartbjorn, April 04, 2011, 20:35:12

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I have been testing test release with track guiding on two run exercises today  and realized the following issue (should be an easy fix):

If I am following a created track with guiding turned on, the guiding automatically jumps nicely to the next point when I am within Guiding/"Set next point" of the current point being guided to. Works really great in release

But the issue is when I find it appropriate to pass the current guide point at a distance > "Set next point" value. Then the guiding will never give up the current point. Only way to make it jump to the next point is either to enter a higher "Set next point" value to trigger the jump, and then change back again, or to turn guiding off/on when the next point becomes the closer of the two points. Neither works very well.

So what would be really useful is this:
- if you tap the track (a point on the track), you get a pop-up menu with 3 commands today: "i", "Chart", "Guide Off". Add a new command here - "Next point", which will force the guiding to jump to the next point. I would think that should be very easy to implement, since all functionality is there today. The only thing needed is to let this command force a trigger of the "Set next point" condition.


Yes, the same happens(1.304), if you leave the track and walk an alternative section which is not recorded and then continue the recorded track some waypoints ahead. The guiding doesn't jump to the position of the track you are now. It would be nice, if the guiding always selects the shortest connection between your position and the track. Thank you!


I added new command "Nearest" which move you to new nearest point ...
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That is certainly a very useful command when you pass a point without jumping and you want the guiding to reselect the closest point. And that is for sure an important command to offer.

However, this doesn't cover the case when you pass a point at a distance too far to make it automatically jump to the next point. You know that you are finished with that point even though you passed at a far distance, and now you want the guiding to guide you to the next point on your track. In this case your new "Nearest" command will only pick the same point again and again until you are halfway to the next point. So I would think we need both your "Nearest" command and my requested "Next" command. Hope you find this meaningful too. Thank you.


Menion, you're great!! very good software!

I'm very happy for paying for it.  :D

What our friends told about the 'nearest' point is true.

I think that there should be an option like 'Auto nearest point on route' which would choose the nearest point in our track, but in the direction that we are moving (straight or reverse)


I'm glad you're happy :) anyway there is already "Nex point" command ...
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Yes!! you're right! There is a 'nearest point'.

But the 'point' here is to do that automatically, without having to do manually.

Anyway, I've seen that in last updated Locus (1.9.6) there is something like auto-nearest point.

It works very fine, but it seems that it can NOT be deactivated  (who knows... maybe some people do not want to use that 'auto' function). Maybe you could add an option for (de)activating this auto-nearest function?  ;)


yes new system is completely rewrote ... more about it is discussed here viewtopic.php?f=10&t=912. Disabling auto-nearest function will not be possible now
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Anyway... it works great now. Good job menion!


fine, if any problems occur, we should of course talk about it. I did not tested yet personally in field so I expect there will be problems .. as usually when I write something new :)
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