track description

Started by Rob, April 04, 2011, 11:39:35

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a (hopefully) small issue: I use the desription of a track as kind of "tourbook". But when the description field shows 10 lines it scrolls up and I cannot scroll down anymore to see the first lines - just move the whole trackpage.
Is there a "trick" how to do ?




  hmm I know about this issue. I hoped then 10 lines should be enough but as I see it isn't. I don't know why, but this part do not want to work as I want :). I should actually increase number of lines before scroll to higher value (until I find better solution)
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thx - and good luck !
btw: also THANKs to realize the guiding option for "sound when moving FROM track"  - did not have opportunity to test - but believe the others, that it works.
GREAT work!
Best GPS Navi ever - forces me to do a walk as often as I can (to test all the goodies of your app)  -  good for personal health also  ;-)
Best regards


when I import a track with description (e.g. from in GPX format, the tracklines, points,.. are correctly imported, but not the description.
The track-example you can find here: ... oints=true

 I checked the format and entered the  "![DATA ["   after <descr>  as well as  ]]  befor end of description <descr>  but it doesn´t help.

Are there more conversions necessary or is the text simply too long or ... ?

kind regards


try insert
<![CDATA[your text]]>. Otherwise you track description as I see contain a lot of '&' signs which have to be in CDATA TAG.
I don't tested this but it should work
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I did it (just misspelled in blog)  - but doesn´t work.
I shortened the text, deleted the &' - no change. Description is not shown in track :-(
Is textformat ISO-8859-1  mandatory or is UTF-8 valid also ?

Here another expample (just deleted somethe trkpoints):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<gpx version="1.1" creator="outdooractive -" xmlns="">
        <name>Kleiner Stössinger Rundwanderweg</name>
    <wpt lat="48.1156046969385" lon="15.7892349961912">
        <name>Kloster Hochstraß</name>
    <wpt lat="48.1320230002043" lon="15.7789725063049">
        <name>Johann-Enzinger Schutzhaus</name>
        <name><![CDATA[Kleiner Stössinger Rundwanderweg]]></name>
        <desc><![CDATA[Auf dem Weg von Stössing zum Kloster Hochstraß begegnen wir bereits mehreren Wegkreuzen und Kapellen. Beim Kloster angelangt erinnern die Gebäude und die Spuren in der Landschaft an die einstige belebte Zeit dieses Ortes. Generationen von jungen Frauen wurden hier in der Landwirtschaftlichen Haushaltungsschule des christlichen Ordens der Töchter der göttlichen Liebe umfangreich ausgebildet. Das Kloster war aber auch als wirtschaftliches, kulturelles und medizinisches Zentrum für die Umgebung von großer Bedeutung. Neben dem Kreuzwegstationen und dem Klosterfriedhof bietet sich gegen Voranmeldung die Möglichkeit des Besuches der historischen Käserei. Unser Weiterweg führt über weitläufige Wiesen und einem Höhenrücken zum Hegerberg. Nach wunderbarem Ausblick und guter Hausmannskost kommen wir über die neue Hegerbergstraße und einem anschließenden Waldstück zurück nach Stössing.]]></desc>
            <trkpt lat="48.12316" lon="15.81318"/>
            <trkpt lat="48.12304" lon="15.81332"/>
            <trkpt lat="48.12291" lon="15.81353"/>
            <trkpt lat="48.12278" lon="15.81385"/>
            <trkpt lat="48.12237" lon="15.81464"/>
            <trkpt lat="48.12169" lon="15.81583"/>
            <trkpt lat="48.12159" lon="15.81598"/>
            <trkpt lat="48.12104" lon="15.81661"/>
            <trkpt lat="48.12085" lon="15.81687"/>

Hope you find the "error"



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Good morning Menion, sorry for bad news early in the morning: import of description still does not work, or I do not know HOW to do.
Can you pls explain briefly what format should I use, what I have to take care of, maybe provide a testfile, so I can check what the differences are to my file.
What GPX  Editor do you recommend ?
Thanks a lot in advance.
krg Rob


your format is fine :) I fixed it in my version home, so you have to wait until I release some version here on forum or on market :)
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great to hear! Thanks.
good luck for further awesome developments!


PERFECT Menion, works like a charm... No conversion necessary, just import ..  great thx. !
