[MANUAL] - CUSTOM ONLINE MAPS (updated 25.7.2011)

Started by Menion, November 29, 2010, 14:53:04

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Hi Peter,
thx much - the xml Code works great !
It´s really a pitty, that higher zooms are "not existing", because my missing tiles of already dowloaded areas are just in these zoom factors.
But - let´s hope for menions ideas.

kind regards


Probably a workaround for Bergfex.

The X regions are quite large. So it might be worth the work to make separate maps for the regions. Zoom Level 14 goes from X=86 (Liechtenstein) to X=89 (Bratislava). Zoom 15 from 172 to 179.
Here's an example for one region for each zoom level:
<!-- BergFex Austria (id 70) -->
<provider id="10070" type="0" visible="true" background="-1">
        <!-- for Zoom 14 adjust between 86 and 89-->
<provider id="10071" type="0" visible="true" background="-1">
<mode>Topo 14_1</mode>
        <!-- for Zoom 15 adjust between 172 and 179-->
<provider id="10072" type="0" visible="true" background="-1">
<mode>Topo 15_1</mode>

And once cached, it does no harm to cached tiles when you modify the X folder in providers.xml. This way you can collect combined areas in your tile cache.

Grüße aus Dresden nach Österreich! Ich komme bald mal wieder.


thanks axelpix...
your solution is workin fine... unfortunately a little bit copious... but far better than nothing...
maybe menion is able to provide a better solution sometime.

thank you four your help
regards peter


I have map source which gives .jpg instead .png tiles.
Could I add it, or it is not possible ?



i just searched the forum how to add google as provider in locus, thats how i came to this thread.
Just wondered if someone can share his provider.xml info for adding google terrain maps.
Thx in advance !

EDIT: just fount the map addon which adds all the maps by just one click, thats it !!


Finally i'm the  owner of Locus Pro and  feel really happy!! thanks for the work :D


I am trying to create a provider xml for the following map:


Its png url is: http://turaterkep.hostcity.hu/srtm/9/140/90.png

<provider id="2222" type="0" visible="true" background="-1">

The problem is I got an "Unknown error" after "Loading..." in the place of the tiles... Can someone help me what is the problem?


Menion , please, can You prepare this maps site for me (Im buyer Pro version):


It is importantest maps site for my job, and free time.
I cannt see on browsers no one (only left side where is layers for choose).

Please, i will donate for some beers for that  :)




these maps are in some location map projection (together with specific url to tiles) so this is not possible to simply add to Locus. Question is also terms of use of this map. If they offer WMS server, that's best way how to add special maps
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I've contacted the owner of the website (http://turaterkep.hostcity.hu)   and he sent me the following xml, which should work in Locus with his site:

   <provider id="1000" type="0" visible="true" required="true" background="-1">

If I open a tile manually (eg. http://turaterkep.hostcity.hu/tiles/9/140/90.png) I actually get the image.
If I add this xml to Locus I'll be able to select the map, but after the "Loading..." phase I get an "Unknown problem".

Can you help me what is the problem with the file?

The website's owner is also willing to help to ease the life of Hungarian Android users so any suggestions would be welcomed.

Thanks for your help.


thanks, map is now working (there was one small issue in locus because of atypical size of tiles). May you send me contact to owner? I need some answers from him before I'll add these maps into Locus
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His name is Peter Busai and his email address is peter.busai(at)gmail.com.

He speaks english and is looking forward your mail.




thanks, owner contacted, maps will be added ...
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
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Any timeframe for the program update? A "survival" tour starts in 20 days...


two, three days max ;)
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download