[MANUAL] - CUSTOM ONLINE MAPS (updated 25.7.2011)

Started by Menion, November 29, 2010, 14:53:04

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It seems your example works only with zoom 14 to 19 (in locus). Is that correct ?

Do you have more information about custom providers ?

I'm trying to create my own but it's not working yet.  :(

Thanks for the good job.

Locus pro 1.5.1


hmm I hope that posted example is fully working :) you should send me PM with your example and I'll look at it ;)
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And, in other news, someone has posted several working examples of providers on the xda developers forum! Using them you can even run your own map server that work very well with 1.5.2. The examples are a great learning tool indeed ;)


Thanks for this great app !
Is it possible to display two layers, one background, the other with a defined opacity (or even better, a slider to change the opacity) ?


Hi menion. Could you offer some korea maps?
1. DAUM map (http://local.daum.net)
2. NAVER map (http://map.naver.com)

The biggest problem is that, these maps doesn't use wgs84 coordinate. it uses TM, KATEC coordinate.
but it seems like there is a solution.
This is OsmAnd Korea map sources. so you can consult this one.

Tile url : DataExtractionOSM/src/net/osmand/map/TileSourceManager.java
Coordinate transformation : DataExtactionOSM/src/net/osmand/osm/GeoPoint.java, GeoTrans.java, MapUtils.java(wgs84), DaumMapUtils.java(ă…‡DAUM map-TM), NaverMapUtils.java(NAVER map-KATEC)

Of course, I got developer's consent to use this sources to put in LOCUS. I hope you consider this...


hmm very interesting, so this is the projection I cannot figure out. Thanks :)
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


ok, i'm a noob when it comes to online maps, but i'm comfortable mucking around with xml files.

one of the online maps in oruxmaps is "streetview 1:10000 (UK)"

i am interested in adding this map source to my locus pro, but i don't know where to start!

is this possible to add this source to berkley's providers.xml, and please could somebody help me start.

thanks in advance.


Hi all.

First, thank you for this excellent android app - I think that it's the best mapping software available for my HTC phone.

I am trying to create a provider file for the multimap tile server. I have several example URLs such as:

http://mc2.tiles-cdn.multimap.com/ptile ... 1331/1.png
http://mc1.multimap.com/ptiles/map/mi90 ... 31/311.png
http://mc1.tiles-cdn.multimap.com/ptile ... 00/100.png

but I'm not yet sure exactly how these URLs are constructed. I do, however, have some example java code which can do the contruction here (it's in the MultimapCom class): http://kenai.com/projects/bgct/lists/co ... message/11

Is there anyone who could give me a suggestion as to what I need to add to my providers.xml file to get the tiles appearing in Locus?

Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.




The URLs you give look like they contain 'quadkeys', as in Locus type 5, but split up into a directory structure. There may be alternative URLs, eg

http://ecn.t0.tiles.virtualearth.net/ti ... ctSet=mmCB
http://ecn.t0.tiles.virtualearth.net/ti ... ctSet=mmOS

Using type 5 these can be constructed something like


Hi Menion

Is there any way to tell Locus not to cache tiles, or to cache for only a limited period? For example, I would like to try adding some traffic information, but obviously this changes quickly so I would need to disable, or limit, caching.


Quote from: "mickey_megabyte"one of the online maps in oruxmaps is "streetview 1:10000 (UK)"

That's interesting. These appear to be the Ordnance Survey Street View mapping. This is published under the OS Open Licence, which is aligned with the Creative Commons Attribution licence. So in licencing terms it should be possible for Locus to include this in its distribution, with some attribution. The tiles have been reprojected to suit the Open Street Map system and are available at http://os.openstreetmap.org/. A suitable stanza for providers.xml seems to be

<provider id="10200" type="0" visible="true" required="true" background="-1">
<name>OS Street View</name>


wow - thanks a lot tipichris - that worked a treat!   :D sorry i've been away for a few days and not had chance to visit here recently.

yes, they are very highly detailed uk maps - they even show a little island in a pond in my garden that is just about big enough for two people to stand on  :)

i happened to be in a fire engine the other day and noticed they were using this map on their fancy gps system (with extra overlays for hydrants and other firey things).

good to know that they are under the OS open licence too!

maybe menion would consider adding this source to locus in the future?

once again, thanks for your help tipichris - much much appreciated.  8-)


Excellent thanks tipichris.
Looking at the OS website, //http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/products/os-opendata.html , they have also included many other map types, including the 1:50 000 series. Are there variations on the xml above that will give access to the other types? I downloaded an OS map demo someone had made, but it wasn't a patch on Locus, except it has the OS map. But as you zoomed out from the Open Street map, it swaps to the 1:50 000 series. At the same time, my mate downloaded an OS map for the iPad, with offline storage and 3D views. Very nice.

Thanks for a great app as well menion.

I was going to report some large gaps in the locus version of the open street map, but I've just spotted they are present on OS website version as well, so not a problem with the provider file.


The opendata 1:50,000 mapping is not the OS Landranger maps that we all know and love. I'm also not aware of it having been reprojected in a way that is usable by Locus, unlike the Streetview data (but see here for a demo of using the data).

Locus used to include OS Landranger and Explorer maps but had to withdraw them because of copyright issues. You may find an addon in the market that puts these maps back. Just to look at with your browser, you can find these map series on Bing maps.