[MANUAL] - CUSTOM ONLINE MAPS (updated 25.7.2011)

Started by Menion, November 29, 2010, 14:53:04

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Current manual for Custom online maps support in Locus is moved on WIKI page

http://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php/manual ... nline_maps
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Hi menion! Thanks for this awesome app and keep up the good work.

But I have a problem with the custom maps. I try to get this http://www.retkikartta.fi/retkikartta.php map to work, but it don't want to work correctly. It's map-pieces are in png like this http://ntile1.navici.com/t/retkikartta/ ... x19741.png where 2393x1.411246x9277x19741 is:

2393 = is some kind of constant
1.411246 = very odd zoom level (min)? next steps are 2.116577,  4.234905 and so on...
9277 = X-coordinate
19741 = Y-coordinate

It seems to be that Locus doesn't understand the zoom-levels. Is the constant reason for that? Can I get somehow this map work whit the Locus? There is also another server for the same map: http://kansalaisen.karttapaikka.fi/ but I can't get that one either to work.



Hi miGi,
  as I look on your maps, problem is not only decimal number of zoom level. Main problem is this ...

"0 - type of map provider, 0 means classic Mapnik server (OSM, ...). No others currently possible"

  this server have not so much complicated tile system, as you wrote but tile numbers are not numbers defined in same way as in mapnik server that use for example OSM. I'll look later on your map anyway, adding this map is not currently possible as I see...
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Ok! Thanks for the quick reply. I will then wait for the update.


Ok, so can the stupid among us get a little bit more information?

E.g. where do the map provider files go? Locus/mapsOnline/... seems to contain only sqldb files on my phone. Do I dump my map definition xml there as well? What should be the name of the file? Can we see some working examples of other providers, just so we get a hand on how to write those? Maybe a kind soul can extract a config or two from an older distribution than 1.5.1 and dump it on a pastebin somewhere so that we can learn?

What a pity that such a great application has to suffer, and that we - the happy customers - should be left to suffer with junk like the default android map application.  :x


ah sorry. you're correct. In my description are missing such a main information! I'll fix this ...
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Please! Thanks.


Quote from: "menion"ah sorry. you're correct. In my description are missing such a main information! I'll fix this ...

Sounds good!

And we should spread also the informations we find regarding the map providers!

For GClive, a Geocaching application, there is a wiki page which lists some of the common URLs used by the map providers.


Ah, yes, there should be also a GUI for adding a new map server.

Editing a text file is ok, but very userfriendly.


OK I updated text in first post. Also working example with three layer osm maps is there. About GUI for this. I was thinking about it but result was that this is not necessary. Only at least little bit experienced user can add some new map. And for him, by me, doesn't matter if he edit this in app or in some external file
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Thanks! I'll dab into it tomorrow. Damned providers. I agree, at the moment a UI isn't a big deal, uploading a file with ADB is a nobrainer. femto, thanks for the map URL tips.


I get the message wrong provider id. What is to do? Is there already a list for existing IDs?

Regards J.


hi, it only notify about some problem in provider definition. If these is something wrong, send me PM and I'll answer you what is wrong. Anyway all is clear enough? If you guys see problems in any step, say me and I'll explain it more carefully in first post ..
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So as I understand the placeholders {z}, {x} and {y} are available for constructing the URL in the XML file. But is it possible to construct 'quadkeys' used by Bing and such, as described here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb259689.aspx


Stupid question 1 : does this trick allow to put back maps of version 1.5.1 ?
Stupid question 2 : Do we need to modify the xml file after each new release?