[APP] - version 3.7.x (16. 3. 2015)

Started by Menion, March 09, 2015, 18:00:42

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Advanced settings for simple users ;)
Thanx for this info.


Quoteand isn't faster to just tap on a trackpoint you wants to delete?
ok, you've convinced me ;)
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4




currently: trainings manager(TM) doesn't restart after break:
- record track (+TM)
- leave locus while record with "stop & exit" -> rec "paused"
- start locus and unpause
- silence...

I think there is an old de.tts included, right?
because i hear the "zero bug".
copy de.tts from your google drive folder will fix this problem.

a procedure still generates an old en_sample_v1.tts  :)
found it, in former clean tts folder (start only last rc version)


@0709: hmm, currently long click on left/right arrow move map center to first/last point of whole track. This may be changed to what you suggest, so long click should move over waypoints instead. What you think? Is anyway using long-click on these arrows to move to start/end of track?

@gynta: hmm good point. I was thinking about it earlier and wasn't sure what is best solution. Imagine another situation ... you disable (during track recording) training manager or BT HRM device because you do not need it anymore. Later you pause track record due to lunch and after start, Locus again connect all devices and enable training manager ...

Old tts - eh, probably yes. I've did small automatization for crowdin translation files, so they should be always actual. Anyway tts needs to be done still manually, so I sometimes forget :)

en_sample_v1 ... weird. Maybe some automatic backup of Locus Pro may did it, because as I'm checking latest code, it really should be fixed!
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I'll try not to forget (which will probably happen :) ) and add this improved move left/right to beta version after update, not now as new version is planned on Saturday.

About updated support for TCX. Names should be fixed and TotalTimeSeconds. "Intensity" - not know for what is is good. And in time were any problem? Have to check it once more ... thanks
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Do you have enabled "Navigation > advanced > Strict navigation"? I'm trying to find what may cause this mess ...
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Quote from: 0709 on April 18, 2015, 11:54:33
Version Beta
Testing NaVigation module ! (not guiding module).
From ondesk to real drive test: using "Strict Navigation".
The instruction orders are changed from the actual correct behaviour in 3.7.1 Pro version.
I especially observed critical short combinations Navi-instructions.
Example: L/R combination 20m between turns.
About 10 seconds before Left turn there is the (-) dash tone sign, directly followed by the (..) double dot tone sign.
After finishing the Left turn, followed by (..) double dot tone sign, indicating the Right turn.

If your '-' is left and '..' is right then it is correct. Because in TTS messages should be:
first: "After x metres turn LEFT and then after y metres turn "RIGHT"
second: After z metres turn RIGHT

Same should happen no matter if you use "Strict navigation" or not.
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sorry but I still do not understand. There should not be any change in this behavior..
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Joachim Buhl

Hello 0709

I do not get your point, sorry.
The "problem" with "overlapping" instructions on short L/R combinations is not new and I now this behavior from pro version.
At the moment Locus gives us two instructions before a turn. At bike speed its around 80m and 20m before turn.
If a following turn occurs within the 80m after the first turn, you get the first instruction for the second turn before the first turn. And Menion is right. With long instructions its  "After x metres turn LEFT and then after y metres turn "RIGHT". With short instructions (beeps) its - .. - T .. T             T for turn.
Is that your problem?
If we want to prevent that problem, Menion needs to change the instructions, so no instruction for the second next turn before next turn is finished. Is that your proposal? I would support this for bike (short instructions, beep), not for car.

In the other thread (Navigation generator) we found out, that navigation mode is more suitable for mtb than guiding mode.
We only need strict order for the waypoints. Menion implements that as an option to navigation mode now (thanks again). So we mtb guys will definitly use navigation mode now.

And I testes this "new" bike navigation mode. Here are my findings:
1. Strictly waypoints is really strict ;-). If you don't reach a point, due to unprecise GPS track or bad GPS reception, Locus sticks to the waypoint behind you, although you are going on with the track. In this moments you have to go to next waypoint manually. I see the problem: On the one hand it should be strict, on the other hand intelligent enough to take the next suitable waypoint if you "miss" one. Difficult. Is there a good solution Menion?
2. The modification of screen on/off is not really much better than before. Like I understand Menion, its still "time based". Whenever something goes wrong in timing from first instruction (screen on) to turn, the display is off before the turn. This happens with change of speed and also when you stop before a crossing. Maybe its typical for bike groups, but at 30% of all crossing there is a waiting time before turns. In these cases the screen is off when you want to go on with the track.
Is there a opportunity to make the screen on/off position dependend?
3. I assume the errors (no blue dots, no voice instruction) with manually added instructions will be solved in next versions.

Over all my great thanks to Menion. Its definitely going in the right direction and its fun to test and to help to make it better. I wish I could help you in programming, but I can't.





@Joachim Buhl:

it's more discussion to navigation topics, but because this topic will be soon closed, I think it never mind ...

1) don't use "Strict" more in navigation. Except cases, your tracks has same azimuth, Locus should not switch to incorrect track in navigation mode (like in your sample "8")

2) not so easy. For now, I'll leave it as is, but I'll try to improve it to next beta testing version

3) I hope so ...

Best what you and others may do, is "simple" testing, exactly as you do now! Even if you know programming for Android, I'm creating Locus itself as closed software. Because of time I invest to developing, I think that two regular devs will have same speed as myself ;). So no worry about help in programming ...

@0709: then I understand you correctly, I just had no idea, this happen in 3.7.1. Interesting, because what happen in older Locus Pro is definitely not correct!! What happen now in Beta is correct, because that's how it should work since begin and it's how it works for me also. It's exactly as I wrote here http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=4467.msg36208#msg36208 .

I personally think, that your custom morse code voice, should be replaced by some internal system in Locus that should be better optimized for this use-case. Have to think more about it during next weeks ...
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Ah "only when imported TCX", here is the key! There was more problems with imported TCX during navigation. It's nicely visible on your video ... do you see pink fat line that should run right before the arrow, but that is somewhere far away? This is how Locus incorrectly computed some parameters. All is not fixed and in next public version, this fat line should be ok in all situations ... well, and this double notification as well, sorry. So what happen to you in latest BETA is really intent and fact, that it was not working like that in old Locus Pro, was an issue.
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Joachim Buhl

Hi All

"1) don't use "Strict" more in navigation. Except cases, your tracks has same azimuth, Locus should not switch to incorrect track in navigation mode (like in your sample "8")"

"don't use "Strict" more in navigation". Should it be "don't use "Strict" any more in navigation"?
Because not to use it more makes no sense, does it?
"Except cases, your tracks has same azimuth...", means except for tracks, where parts of the tracks are like in my 8 track, right?
"...Locus should not switch to incorrect track in navigation mode", means Locus will not switch to wrong track part at my 8 track although "strict" is deactivated? Since when? What else was changed?

Language barrier, sorry.

PS.: What do I have to do to get Voice/beep instructions in simulation mode like in the videos? In Pro and Beta I  can "simulate" when GPS is off, but I do not get any voice/beep instructions.

Joachim Buhl


Thanks 0709

the line "navigation_average_speed_bike=5.0" is already in my config file. No # before.
Should work.
Why not?
