[APP] - version 3.7.x (16. 3. 2015)

Started by Menion, March 09, 2015, 18:00:42

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Update to new version removed my current controls in top panel, have to add them back again. It's not a big deal, but it's always a little annoying if you have to redo settings.
Probably you did this so we have to test the new system to set up the controls

And a tiny typo: When opening the new setting "Tracks popup content", the dialog title is "Points popup content". Settings are those for tracks, that's correct, just the title wrong. Somebody copied & pasted  ;)

I just realized that the new flowing of icons between top and right panels offers an easy way to improve display in landscape mode. Please check this out: http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/top-right-panel-different-number-of-icons-for-portrait-landscape


Quote, restored config from backup should really remain restored. Currently it is probably overwrote when Locus is restarted (overwrote with current loaded settings)
solved, config is also restored :)

yesterday first "BETA" was updated to "Free" with no additional downloaded data :)
second "PRO" was updated with need of additional data download :(

we discuss in thread V3.6.x post #68 about logout from GS account with free version and you agree necessity
QuoteAnd "Logout" in case of more people using one app make sense.
did you forgot to implement it?
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


The problem I reported here can no longer be reproduced with this version, it's been probably already fixed. Thanks :)
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Error in English text:
Shift map center .. Move the map center down by ¼

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


@balloni55: yes, sorry, forget to implement it. Fixed

@Mek: hmm, nope. As I wrote in response to your issue, I was not able to simulate this problem :)
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Next problem I found is, that in geocaching listing the "bigger","smaller" and "back" buttons are white on white and no more visible if screen background is also white.


Quote from: menion on March 09, 2015, 22:14:32
Also guys, be careful if Locus correctly compute new values like altitude, speed etc. All values should be correctly interpolated from around values, but just for sure ...
I noticed slightly higher values for computed altitude. Thats what you ask for?


column too small (or word too long)  :)


"edit on map" does no longer allow adding points to a track.
Tried in 3.7 pro and free.
Also in settings I did not find a way to configure such feature.
Why is that ??

Pls have a look at the screenshot and advise...


And another one...
The text on the distance circles is not correct.
I get "500m - 1000m - 20km (!) - 50km (!)" instead of "500m - 1000m - 2km - 5km" :)


Quote from: JoxM on March 14, 2015, 11:15:17
And another one...
The text on the distance circles is not correct.
I get "500m - 1000m - 20km (!) - 50km (!)" instead of "500m - 1000m - 2km - 5km" :)
Jup, known issue. already posted on helpdesk.

Bucky Kid

Hi, menion could you please add these customizations to config.cfg in next version?
- support for own order of map categories in quick map switcher (vector > offline > online)
- define which map categories in quick switch show initially collapsed (now all expanded)


Quote from: michaelbechtold on March 14, 2015, 09:26:17
"edit on map" does no longer allow adding points to a track...
Pls have a look at the screenshot and advise ...

"edit location" has now included(!) a "add point" function.
please try it

Bitte drueck doch einfach mal auf die gezeigte Funktion!
So wie es zu sehen ist in dem Clip
Punkte hinzufügen ist jetzt in dieser Funktion mit drinnen.


Bug-fix version is out. Hope that major issues will be solved.

@Bucky Kid: hmm don't know, but probably not. Is it necessary? Collapsing is unwanted side-effect, which I was lazy to solve. And in config.cfg is already possibility to define amount of items if I remember correctly, so you may at least little bit improve this list.
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