Icons for POIs

Started by Menion, November 27, 2010, 17:46:20

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So, also question from me ...

currently I'm using few icons from //http://code.google.com/p/google-maps-icons/.

I thing they're really nice, they also not force me to set application as open source (which I'm not a big fan). But ... there's lot of icons and I cannot choose which are rights. All of them is just too much ...

So, place for you to choose and say me which icons you want or miss in application, if you want to sort them to any categories or if have any other source of nice map icons for free use. I'm not a graphics co it's impossible for me to create special icons for Locus ...

I'll be very glad for your opinion
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As I am using Locus in combination with C:Geo, I would like to see icons for the different cache types added.


  I'm not sure if I fully understand your question ...

when using Locus together with c:geo, c:geo sends together with cache name and coordinates, also icon, so when you press on cache in c:geo "show on external map", cache is shown on Locus map together with correct icon. So I don't know where is by you, not show correct geocaching icons.
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When caching with C:GEO it sends it's own icons to Locus. But I would like to add POI to Locus which represent other caches (similar to stored list in C:GEO. So when doing one cache, I have have surrounding caches visible at the same time.


ah, now i understand ...
- it's prepared to send multiple cache at once from c:geo! depends only on carnero (author of c:geo), if he implements this feature or not.

- about settings correct icons to imported geocache, this has one problem. I want to be as legal as possible. Icons I'm using are free even for commercial projects so I can use them. Icons from groundspeak aren't.
- so If I can find any icons that represents geocaches, and will be free even for commercial projects (I want to create Locus free with advertisement, and payed for a symbolic fee without), I should do this feature and assign geocache icons automatically to correct caches! But I'm not a graphics, so ... any tips? :)
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If I can I help I can try creat some icons :) for example
I dont know right size of the icons in Locus I guess width 16 px


hm, very nice :)

  if you want to do this, icon size is same as in first post link to google icons, so it's 32x32px + 5px bottom arrow. So, 32 width and 37px height. This do not hurry, I'm currently fighting with multi-touch zoom and I'm completely rewriting this feature to work with SQLiteDB maps too. But then, some support for geocache should be on plan ...
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OK, 32x37 is good format, so I can creat the icon better than I posted :) maybe :)


I think than best is to use some background from google icons in first post (shape, background shade, all is done ...). I mean they're really nice and looks good on map ...

if you will be satisfied with your creation, you should also post them on that google code - map icons site.

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Yes, I use it for a background layer - so somthing like this
when I will creat all icons I send you them in your email  :)


hmm amazing ;)
  it looks, that I have to create some more support for geocaching import and similar stuff :)
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Of course :) I hope Locus will have full support for groundspeak gpx files, cache description, hint, last logs etc. like had LoCa :) I will not need c:geo after that :)


Hehe, seems you remember my starting project :) nice ...

  did you know thet until I think november, I thought that Locus will be just same as paper map, but in mobile? Only as fast as possible and universal, map viewer. But many people wanted support for POI's or something to remeber position, now you with geocaching! ...

  if you import any PocketQuery file, you can see that POI database is really huge against normal data import. All geocache data ale already importing ;). Only thing is to create new screen with all geocaching data ... that's only problem cause old one is upgraded and implemented in SmartMaps and I don't want to use whatever, what I did for SmartMaps.

  Also I want focus mainly on maps and stuff around maps. This is priority for this software! So believe, geocaching support in c:geo or other geocaching software, will always be better then in Locus. I hope then carnero (author of c:geo) will do better support for Locus than now and both programs will be more connected together!

  we'll see, what time brings ;)
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I understand :) but it is great you were working to shift Locus  further than only paper map in mobile. But how you wrote I think that now if you do the window for displaying the inforamtion from pocketquery files the Locus can use for offline geocaching fully - I personaly will not need more for it :) So c:geo is great program but mainly for online geocaching, I think that Locus is very very near to be the best for offline geocaching :) and I think still is a lot of cachers who hunt offline (i kdyby jen v Cesku  :) There were offline maps without zoom in the LoCa so I  use with Rmaps together :) Maybe I will start a campaign for geocaching support in Locus in czech geocaching forum :D Of course I can use Locus with c.geo but... :)


So you're from Czech, fajn :)
  ok ok, I'll do it :) exchange for support on czech forum is promissing ;)
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