[APP] - version 3.5.X+ (updated 12.12.2014)

Started by tramp20, December 12, 2014, 18:20:58

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Thanks Christian .. exactly

Our new office ... two weeks ago. We will see later ;).

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Locus deserves a nice office :-) congrats on the new hq!






suggestion #1

have option to shut screen available in navigation/guiding options and when the screen is going to shut off, have a message display for two or three seconds which will allows the user to stop the shut down.

reason.  I hadn't used the free version for a while on my phone and it kept blanking the screen when I would start it.  I thought it was probably the gesture option I had set, but couldn't easily find where to unset it.  I first tried navigation, then guiding, then screen controls.  In the meantime I managed to have the phone shut the screen a few times.


suggestion #2

Have the option to follow roads in the navigation options.  I hadn't created a route for a while and it took some looking around to see that to follow the roads, I had to set the follow roads option when I was about to do a route.  It seems Locus remembers the setting once it is set, but I think having it (also maybe) in the navigation options is a natural location for it.  For me, anytime I am creating a route it should follow the roads (I know others might not want it that way, for hiking, say).


Quote from: balloni55 on January 10, 2015, 13:24:16

Thanks  balloni, storing attachment should be fixed in next versions.

About times:
- "Published" renamed to "Hidden"
- "Updated (Web)" should be time of last update on a web. I found small issue that this time change if you edited notes localy, which may be your case. Otherwise it may be updated thanks to Geocaching4Locus or "lastupdated" tag in GPX file.

Both bottom times "created" and "last updated" are related to local Locus points.

@michaelbechtold: nice ideas. I see in Db POI nice future, so I'm sure during any of upcoming months, I'll focus more on all tasks about this feature.

@aberfoly: idea 1 - is this necessary? There is already so much possibilities around control of screen that I really do not wants to complicate it even more, sorry.

Idea 2 - not sure I fully understand this sentence "had to set the follow roads option" - may you please point me on correct settings, to better understand what you mean? Thanks
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Hi Guys,
We're preparing couple of emails that users receive after some action in Locus Store. Could I ask you for help with translation of following sentences to German

A. Gift

Locus has a gift for you!
We're glad to say that you've successfully received a gift. You can use LoCoins for downloading maps and other content from Locus store.
We're glad to say that we've prepared a gift for you. To unwrap it: please open Locus > Menu > Store.
Your gift will be available after first login into the Locus Store.

B. Voucher.

Voucher confirmation
We're happy to confirm that your voucher  has been successfully applied. You've received:
Your Locus team



Hello Peter,
a first attempt from me ;)
please wait if other german users have different translation....
with my translation of this sentence i am not sure i understand what you want to say
QuoteWe're happy to confirm that your voucher  has been successfully applied. You've received:

A.   Geschenk
Locus hat ein Geschenk für Sie !
Gratulation !
Wir freuen uns Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Sie ein Geschenk von uns erhalten. Sie können die ,,LoCoins" benutzen um Karten und andere Inhalte vom Locus Store herunterzuladen.
Wir freuen uns Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir ein Geschenk für Sie vorbereitet haben. Um es ,,auszupacken" öffnen Sie bitte Locus > Menü > Downloads (Locus Store).
Ihr Geschenk ist nach dem ersten Einloggen im Locus Store verfügbar.

B.   Gutschein
Gutschein Bestätigung
Wir sind froh Ihnen bestätigen zu können, dass Sie den Gutschein den Sie erhalten haben einlösen können.
Ihr Locus Team

if you want to use this text as pattern for answer, so use for A following Text:

Locus hat ein Geschenk für Sie !
Wir freuen uns Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Sie "LoCoins" als Geschenk von uns erhalten.
Sie können die ,,LoCoins" benutzen um Karten und andere Inhalte vom Locus Store herunterzuladen.
Um das Geschenk "auspacken" zu können öffnen Sie bitte:
Locus > Menü > Downloads (Locus Store).
Ihr Geschenk ist nach dem ersten Einloggen im Locus Store verfügbar.
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4



Thank you, the edited text seems to be better.

I know mentioned topic. But I've wanted to avoid some deep discussion and playing with words :)


Hello menion
QuoteIf i delete a attached picture from poi, close this poi and reopen it, the attachement is furthermore available.
Quotestoring attachment should be fixed in next versions.
no improvement :(

"times" in GC seams to be ok now :)

menue/more/right side panel/
if i uncheck a checked addon or check and imediately uncheck another option, locus freeze

where can i find "chg: new icon pack for geocaching?"
please can you disdribe "support for location in GC logs"
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


I tried the new option to select a folder for srtm on the external sd card in order to move out bulk data from the precious space on the internal sd card. This worked  nicely :).
Later on I tried to download srtm data for an area where I still not have it on my phone. This didn't work due to the phone running A4.4.2 (honestly I expected this problem).
In the case of srtm data this might not be a big issue but maybe a bigger one for backup, online maps, ...

Would it make sense to write new data to the original location on the internal sdcard (at least in the case of non writable external sd card)?

There is more bulk data in the locus folder for which I didn't find the option to select a custom folder: graphHopper.
Is there any further development from Locus side? Is there further development from the graphHopper developer and will this be updated in Locus?



@balloni: is is not fixed? Hmm have to check it once more thanks. Geocaching icons - they are just in higher resolution, so if you used icons at 100% size on middle sized device, you will probably see no big difference :).

And issue with right panel, I'll check it also, thanks - found and fixed

@tommi: I have to write some more deep description for these 4.4 devices. best should be to keep precious data on internal memory and data you do not worry about place on SD card into .../sdcard/Android/data/menion.android.locus(.pro)/files/... , which is writable directory for Locus Map (Free/Pro) application on SD card! Only important is to keep in mind, that this directly will be deleted once you remove Locus from your device. Hope this help.

And sorry, no progress around GraphHopper. It's still actively developed as I noticed, but I had no time to check it and do any progress on my side.
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