street names don't display special characters (ü ö ä) on Android 5.0 (lollipop

Started by tlchzj79, November 21, 2014, 13:25:01

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having upgraded from andoid 4.4.4 to 5.0 on a Nexus 10 tablet vector map baden-wuerttemberg displays streetnames with invalid resp. non identifiable characters. (e.g.  Lügenlenweg  isn't diplayed correctly with the german special chararcter ü)

System language is english (US) additional keyboard is German (QUERTZ)

any clue ?



Did you try to set language to German? Or maybe a missing German language package in lollipop?
With same settings as yours, I don´t have any problems with Android 4.3.
Regards J.


... yes - had switched to language german (instaed of system language us english) - had same errors. Strange enough other objects POI's are displayed correct - E.g. the name of a tiny source Königsbrünnele.  It may not be displayed correctly on your screen.
Will try to find language packing german.  On my Nexus 4 with kitkat street names are displayed correct


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