[APP] - version 3.3.X+ (updated 4.10.2014)

Started by Menion, October 03, 2014, 12:49:31

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testing ... so from your point of view, it's not a problem to remove it, right? Because we will allow to download HGT files at once for a whole countries, so it will be a lot easier to work with them. Ah damn. I completely forget on Locus Free, where downloading from our server do not work. Ahhh ... sorry, back. Forget I wrote something :).
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Sony Xperia Z1c     Android 11 LOS 18.1
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14

User ID acc406201


Quote from: menion on October 10, 2014, 20:05:19
One question to all: if you use "Fill altitude" and Locus offer you "Online" and "Offline" method - has "Online" any usage to any of you or should I completely remove this possibility??

I know that you already dropped the question, may you listen to my opinion?

Online fill altitude function is useful because google elevation api provides both height and sea depth. On the other hand, offline SRTM provides only height and no sea depth. There are people enjoying boat fishing near coast as one of the outdoor activity. It is interesting to know the sea depth along the boat track, at fishing point, etc.

Moreover, I also would like to have a function for "Dynamic altitude" to switch online and offline.  Currently, if SRTM data which covers current map center on the sea is installed, dynamic altitude just shows '0 m'.  It is not wrong... but not nice. (btw, the description "When map stay calm for a while, application get and show altitude in center *from online service*." is a bit incorrect.)

I would like to select online or offline for "Dynamic altitude".

EDIT: I've created new response at Locus help desk.


Hi Menion,
in version 3.3.1  I noticed a difference between Free and Pro version (I know that there are planned differences, of course, but this could be a flaw).
In 3.3.1 Free the track information page shows a map preview with 33000 points correctly:

In 3.3.1 Pro the track Information only shows the track preview:

It takes a very very long time on my device to load the track information page: 30 seconds (Free version is 4 seconds faster...). The thumbnails on the track folder list load very fast. Because of Menions warning to save the database when this feature was introduced, I guess they are stored in it. Wouldn't it make sense to also store the track preview in the database? In case the preview is dependend on device resolution it could be recreated when a new resolution is detected.

Many Greetings


Hello menion,
in thread version 3.1/2x with version also "TR" for trackables was displayed in list of caches, see screenshot in my post #212.
Why you delete this information?

why is the  cache info different displayed? i have done cache update in both folders

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@ta-ka: thanks, understand. I hoped that I should completely remove "Online altitude" for a Pro version. Hmm, have to check if there isn't any source for HGT files with correct values for a sea depth instead of 0

@MichaelZ: it's more complicated with this big overview. Anyway do you use same map in both versions when you tap on track?

@balloni: you don't see TR value, because your device do not have enough space for it. And difference in style - it's based on your sorting. Try to change 'sort' settings and you'll see.
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QuoteTry to change 'sort' settings and you'll see.
Upps, sorry :D
Quoteyou don't see TR value, because your device do not have enough space for it
also in landscape??  EDIT: i havn´t changed my device ;)

one behavior should be better, if i change in cache list portrait/landscape mode or vice versa the list always change to the beginning, independent the sort option.
e.g. i look on a cache in middle of the list and change display mode i have to scroll and search again the cache i want to see.

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


agree and ... agree. Improved (TB in landscape) and fixed (restoring scroll - worked in old screen if I remember correctly)
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Quote from: menion on October 12, 2014, 11:04:35

@MichaelZ: it's more complicated with this big overview. Anyway do you use same map in both versions when you tap on track?

No, I didn't use the same map. When opening the track list I even was in a complete different area on the Pro version. So I understand that the map preview is always freshly rendered using the last displayed map.

I opened the track info page after viewing different maps of the area and here is the result:

The first is OSM vector map, the other are raster maps in SQLite, not always covering all of the area of the track. It would be nice to have a solution that stores a feasible preview map in the database.

The thumbnail in the track list seems to be always rendered from the OSM World map? By the way, the default thumbnail is so much better now than the question mark.

Many Greetings


Thanks for the screenshots. Results is exactly as I expect. In case, there is not any low zoom level in certain map, track may be partially out of screen. I have some serious problem with improving this because I have very low information about map, before is firstly drawn on screen. Just my internal problems.

Anyway I really do not agree/do not want to store big overview in database. I mainly do not see any reason for this.

Small overviews are rendered from best possible vector map you have. If there is no vector map, then blank map is used instead.
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Quote from: menion on October 13, 2014, 13:36:22

Anyway I really do not agree/do not want to store big overview in database. I mainly do not see any reason for this.

For me having to wait half a minute to see track information it would be a reason ;-)

Probably not putting them into tracks.db but a new db? With my device resolution the 320x130 bitmap would be 13kB as compressed png per track. I promise, this is the last post to try to convince you ;-)

Many Greetings


if you hide top overview by small arrow in corner, overview won't be rendered!
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Hi guys,

after previous "faster fingers on keyboard then head" question about Online altitude (which btw. leads to quite interesting and not yet solved topic from ta-ka), I have another question. For now very important.

Imagine, you tap on point or track and instead of full screen with tapped item, you firstly get small popup dialog. On this dialog may be few quick buttons for most used features. What should be for you these five features from points and five features for tracks.

Check screenshot to better understand what I mean. I talk about content of "menu" button.

So what you think? Instead of huge screens with points and track, just these simple windows with few quick actions and ability to tap on view itself, to display big points screen or big track screen. Hmm?

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hehe, there is still too much problems. Probably tomorrow ;)
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