Best way to generate report

Started by TSellers, October 01, 2014, 18:40:10

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I have been working on a project compiling an inventory of wildlife exit gates in a National Park along the main highway which is fenced. When I create a new Point, I make notes about what maintenance work needs to be done to the gate, and I have attached a picture of every gate to the Point. Now it is time to generate a report, and I'm not sure the best way to go about it. I've exported the Points to a KML File and looked at it in Google Earth and can see the descriptions and a thumbnail, but not sure what to do about the pictures.

Any suggestions on the best way to generate a report from my data file in Locus would be appreciated.


interesting project :D

Do you know config.cfg file in locusfolder?
there you can change some values, so for example "preset width of photos when exporting to kml", default is 60pix
my setting is e.g. 250 so you see larger photos if you click on it in GE.
To make changes use an editor e.g. notepad make a backup of this file, open  file modify it and save it and copy modified file to locusfolder.
For preparing a presentation you can use free PC program "geosetter" an little how to in german language:

I hope it help a little bit ;)

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Yes, that is a very good suggestion and tip. Over the next year various staff will undertake to go out and do maintenance on the gates when they have time. Being able to share via Google should be an effective way.

I'll give it a try when I get back on Friday. Thanks very much.


Quote from: TSellers on October 01, 2014, 18:40:10
I've exported the Points to a KML File an kmz
isn't it?
select checkmark on "Insert a formatted description" and "Pack as KMZ"
to see your attachment in Google Earth

Note please:
You can't enlarge your pictures inside google earth.
Menion said - This is not a Locus bug :)!topic/kml-support-advanced/1bbds0gVxsw
and there are some discussions inside Locus forum (or helpsite? - don't know yet) too

but if you want to follow ballonis hint with config file... - maybe this is ok for you


Thanks for that.

I did not consider this to be a bug, the Forum Title also said "&Questions", have I posted my question in the wrong place?

You are right, it is a .kmz file, and the 800 pixel option in the config files Ballonis suggestion has been a great help. Fortunately I had those options checked, so it seemed to work well (too bad Google does not have an option to rotate images).

Now I need to clean up my Points files: correct grammar, spelling, and enhance descriptions, etc. Is it possible to edit the points file with a text editor on my computer perhaps?

Thanks again.


Google Earth
select point -> 'Alt' 'return'
or right mouse button -> "Properties"


Quote(too bad Google does not have an option to rotate images).
i have had the same problem, it depend on the camera app you use. One solution is batch rotate, connect your device with USB to PC and use following Windowsprogram, right click on your imagefolder and select rotate.
If you have done that export your POI´s again now your exportet photos are correct displayed in GE !
I use e.g. Cymera app, with this app i have no rotation problem ;)

QuoteIs it possible to edit the points file with a text editor on my computer perhaps?
i think so ;) have you got  PM i send you?
e.g. open included .kml with notepad and take a look on "CDATA" part
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Thanks balloni,

I got the PM, but have not had a chance to look into it yet as I was away on my days off. It is interesting however as I was voice dictating notes about the work needed on the gates, and then letting Google Voice transcribe the audio to text in the Description field of the Locus file. As they have a very cheap data plan on our phones it did not matter that it was using data to do the speech to text translation, but as you know it requires a lot of post-dictation editing to correct all the errors.

I'll also send you a PM with a link to one of the files which perhaps you can take a look at and comment on.