No .tcx file support Locus ?

Started by 0709, September 23, 2014, 10:21:24

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No .tcx file Import. Export .tcx file. Not compatible with Garmin Gps.
Locus Pro Classic 3.70.11 - Locus map BETA


No big interest in TCX -

... means, no TCX import, sorry.
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ah I thought that export do not work just in one Android app, but it do not work at all? Are you familiar with this file format so you are able to say where is issue? I'll check it and fix, because export should work without problems, there is no reason why not.
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Garmin        <=>      Locus
tcx files.         <=>    gpx files.
Coursepoint  <=>    Waypoint (wpt)
<PointType>   <=>    <sym>
<Name>         <=>    <name>
<Notes>         <=>    <cmt>

Single Coursepoint attached to a Single trackpoint. Corresponding in Position and timestamp.
<PointType> tag (english).
<Name> tag (local language ok):  Text limit max. 10 characters.
<Notes> tag (local language ok):  Text with detailled Guiding info.

Garmin <PointType> .tcx
"Generic", "Summit", "Valley", "Water", "Food", "Danger", "Left", "Right", "Straight", "First Aid",
"4th Category", "3rd Category", "2nd Category", "1st Category", "Hors Category", "Sprint"

Locus <sym> .gpx
"Flag","Summit","Dropoff","Drinking Water", "Restaurant", "Danger Area", "Left", "Right", "Straight", "Medical Facility","Number 4, Red", "Number 3, Red", "Number 2, Red", "Number 1, Red", "Number 0, Red", "Civil"
Locus Pro Classic 3.70.11 - Locus map BETA


I don't like half-working features. Thanks a lot for testing. I'll improve it to next version ...
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Hello 0709,

thanks for a precise description. Unfortunately you description is too complex on me :).

TCX support is not one of most wanted features, so I don't want to spend too much time on it now. Anyway what exists, should work as expected. So what remain a problem now? That TCX file exported from Locus is not correctly (with CoursePoints) imported to any app like BaseCamp?
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Thank you, I think this will work. I'm just working on improving export and everything is clear.

Anyway I just get an idea when I read your PDF "arbitrary sounds". You often talk about morse codes, but these may be already working for a navigation! Do you know TomTom voices that may be also used for a navigation? On our Locus Store is one for a Czech Republic (unfortunately we were not able to find more free voices till now). It's a simple zip file with MP3 files. When anyway create same file, but just instead MP3 with "Turn right", will be there morse code, it will work. Hmm? :)

So it depend if is possible to find or create MP3 files with required morse codes. This won't work for Guiding, just for navigation for now.
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unfortunately this is not a possible now. Locus only use some predefined orders as you wrote, like left, right etc. Custom navigation orders cannot be set now, sorry.
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Technically possible is almost everything. Anyway if I may really suggest, I think that you should pick one most important feature you also think that others may need and focus on it. Because I have two small problems

1. there is a lot of topic from you (or topics you vote for) focused on similar tasks (navigation/guiding during bike ride), and I'm little bit lost what is important and what isn't and amount of votes is quite similar in all of them (2 - 5)

2. I personally do not need these features because as Joeloc often say, I ride on in very flat country and basic navogation/guiding is quite enough for me. So it's little bit complicated to decide what to do and how to do it.

And once this task will be done, you may focus on another. Just a suggestion.
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PM is really not necessary, thanks. I'll keep focus to this one idea - . 11 votes isn't much, but I'll check it after release, what I can do with this. Once this idea will be "completed", we can move to another task :)
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+10 :)

This would be an awesome addition for cyclists if you could navigate this way
I'm trying to find something like this for ages
Very valuable and innovative in my eyes (just think about bike messengers)

I think a simple search for: "No big interest in TCX -" is not very fair - most of my biker friends would adore such a feature but have no idea how to technically get there (TCX), so they won't come up with such questions.


Hi, thanks. Names (limited to 15/10 characters) and time in seconds, fixed.
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Thank you!

- "intensity" added
- correct order of "name" fixed
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Thank you for powerful navigation software.

I want some feature which can display icon(s) of TCX on Navigation Screen.

1)  RED Circle
For now,
Icon such as LEFT, RIGHT, STRAIGHT is displayed, but most of other icons such as Generic, Summit, Valley, Water, Food etc is NOT displayed.
I want these icons will be displayed on Navigation Screen.

2) BLUE Circle
Just like other navigation for car,
I want the icon + distance after current icon(red circle) is displayed somewhere on screen (e.g. right side of current icon position)
It helps for user to prepare the next situaiton.

I hope these two features will be implemented.

Thank you very much.



Method supported since Locus Pro V3.30.2

Navigation by gpx fileA tcx clone by gpx   ;)

A. Instructions in associated (wpt)waypoints(Import and export)

Successful navigation by (no extension) gpx (trk)track_navwpt file.
By track_navwaypoint file. Association by position AND timestamp.

If the gps end application already masters tcx course_coursepoint navigation it is relatively easy to realize a gpx track_waypoints navigation alternative succesfully. Result is even more optimal with gpx files, due to less restrictive rules. That's what Locus does.

Fine tuning your file(s) by external (pc) program edits.

By pc program gpx editor promote a trackpoint to a Via (way)Point or a Turn (nav)Point plus add freely positioned (poi)waypoints into the gpx file.

Edit the <sym>text by (pc) "gpx editor" or Notepad ++ etc.
Via Point: The prefered tag = pass_place

gpx editor:

The exact <sym>text must be known.

The Locus Navigation turn commands Icon list.
In attachment: Locus_Navigation_Icons_sym_wpt .gpx

The most important supported navigation turn commands by tcx / fit /gpx

Free text (streetname) in gpx cmt is displayed in the top panel @ navigation.

@ gpx EXPORT.
Plotaroute web.
Download this route > GPS > GPX > Track > Directions

:) Turn instructions in waypoints support.
:( Limited turn range support.
:( Truncated name and cmt text.

You cannot view this attachment.

Compare Garmin tcx fit & Locus gpx.

Prefered gpx mode.
B. Instructions in trackpoints. (Since Locus V3.50.1)

:) :) :) :) :)      :) :) :) :) :)

:) :) :) :) :)      :) :) :) :) :)
Locus Pro Classic 3.70.11 - Locus map BETA