Waypoints with big red arrows

Started by Felisek, September 19, 2014, 15:28:22

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Not sure if this was discussed before, but I cannot find anything using search. When I import a GPX track and show it on the map, every waypoint is marked with a large red arrow. I find it obtrusive, in particular when I zoom out a little.

How can I change this behaviour? Can I switch these arrows off?



May you share this imported GPX file, if possible, or can you say which source you choosed (url)? GPSies?
Regards J.


Hello Felisek,

this happen because you track is created from RTE points and not TRK. <rtept> points are usually some important points on track and that's why they have these icons. Usually are for definition of track shape used <trkpt> points.

And that's all. Solution is to rename all <rte> to <trk> and all <rtept> to <trkpt> . Quite complicated, but it should solved this "issue".
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Ah, brilliant! Thanks a lot for your answers. This was the problem, indeed. I created a little script to convert all GPX files and now they look fine. The GPX tracks came from Walkhighlands website. I used them before without problems, they must have change file formats recently.


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