Offline navigation - GraphHopper - preparation

Started by Menion, July 16, 2014, 20:43:19

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Very nice addon but almost useless for bikers and hikers in Moscow (Russia). The coverage of "" is too small and it is covers only the nearest suburbs of city. While the townspeople are biking, hiking and also have summer residences far beyond nearest suburbs. So I would like to ask you to expand the routing coverage four times or even five times wider!

P.S. By the way. The same applies to vector map of Moscow in Locus store. It is useless because of small coverage. Please do it more wider too!


Hello Sersus,

with vector maps, I don't see a problem. Locus has auto-loading feature (in settings > maps - advanced), so vector maps should be correctly auto-loaded when needed.

With GraphHopper is one major problem. Currently it do not allow to compute route over more files at once. This is, next to few other issues, one reason why it cannot be now a public add-on and still remain in Beta.

So for now, it's not possible to make these areas bigger, because we improved our generator for Vector maps, so for same areas as vector maps are also generate areas for a GraphHopper.
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How can I see if the Locus GraphHopper routing files are up to date?
Regards J.


QuoteRouting data are here
think the folder name (20140722) is last update time...


watt´n da los? Die Datei ist 660mb groß, und letztendlich in 1 Minute auf´m Rechner gewesen  ;D ;D
Puh :o , but it took only 1 minute to download the file. 

But are the routing files from last July not outdated?
Regards J.


Regards J.


jup, probably. I had no time to generate a new routing files. Is there interest in fresh data?
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There is definitely interest as it is the only offline routing possibility in Locus.
Will there also be an update of the GrapHopper routing engine?



Andrew Heard

Quote from: Christian on February 28, 2015, 21:46:39
Quote from: tommi on February 28, 2015, 21:30:24
... it is the only offline routing possibility in Locus.
How about BRouter - latest update 19th Feb. Latest GraphHopper data 8th Jan. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: Christian on February 28, 2015, 21:46:39
Quote from: tommi on February 28, 2015, 21:30:24
... it is the only offline routing possibility in Locus.
Sorry, I wan't precise enough. Of course I know BRouter.
GraphHopper is the only offline solution for Locus which provides navigation orders based on streets/ways. BRouter "simply" provides the naked track.

Andrew Heard

Thanks for that tommi - I was completely unaware of the difference - interesting. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 01, 2015, 00:04:02
How about BRouter - latest update 19th Feb. Latest GraphHopper data 8th Jan.

Hi Andrew,
where did you find the latest GraphHopper?

Thanks in advance.
Regards J.
